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I think story had reached his peak u can correct me... but less readers...

Recap: Laksh n Manik had the fight in which Laksh won. Suraj left angry but Ragini gave him the news she LOVES Laksh...

Ragini come back n all looked at Suraj who was so lost n nervous at the same time. It felt like the world broke apart in front of him.

Chakor looked at Ragini. "What did u told him?". She comes near her. Ragini laughs. "Nothing to worry! Just a fact which he thought that it might be a... Uhm...?". She looked at Laksh n smiles even more. "Let's go!". The rebel's left the playground n Rowdy's were looking at Suraj.

Suraj was on the seesaw sitting n the kids were in the air. "Oh Suraj Bhai Get Up! Or at least get us down!". He glares at the kids just then Laksh come to him. "Oh u kids... get off!". Suraj stood up slowly n the kids runs away in fear. "What did she said to u that u got the shock of ur life?".

Suraj looked at him. "U r girlfriend wants to tell u something! Hear it n reply wisely bcz if this goes wrong then u will pay for ur lifetime!". His anger has vanished but his tension raised.

Laksh shook his head. "I didn't get it!" He sat on seesaw on the other side n was luffing. "Suraj do u like her?". Suraj looks at him blinking his eyes several times. "What u want to say or ask me?". He was confused.

Laksh thought for a moment. "U know I agree to this... Uhm... secret love story only bcz it was secret! No commitments! No official relationship! No openly declaring! No pressure! No fear! Nothing!". He was continuously counting everything which was for his advantage.

Suraj got annoyed. "Enough!". He stopped him. "What the hell do u want to tell me with all of that?". He stopped the seesaw. Both were standing in between their legs was the rocker.

"I'm asking u do U like her?".

Suraj was confused. "What does my like has to do with ur relationship?". He asked him again n this time he stood up... uff felt the pain.... someone felt relieved.

"Have fun tonight!". He waves a bye to Laksh n left.

Neil n Shivaay smirks. "Hahah that is Suraj revenge!". They High-Five him n left the place n let him there alone.

The kids come back n laughs at him. *hahahahahaha*. Laksh glares at them in anger. "I will not leave u! Stupid kids!". He stood up n the kids runaway.

Arrey Suraj it's important to know! I don't want to hide it anymore! How can I take this secret love to a next level if I have not the support?.

He scratches his head.

Ragini was at her place but Laksh hasn't come yet. "Chakor leave I'm sure he is nearby but isn't coming bcz of U! Go!". She pushes Chakor out of her room n closed the door.

Chakor fumes. What the fuck she asked me to stay here as long as it takes Laksh to come to meet her! Uff this girl is too much... weird. Fine I'm leaving...

Just then Laksh enters the room. "Finally she is gone I thought she will never leave!". He come in n hugs her tight. Ragini likes it a lot she bites on her tongue. "Laksh trust me she na didn't wanted to leave I was telling her to go since hours. But she wasn't listening to me... uff that girl I had to throw her out!". She keeps hugging him.

Laksh looked at her. "Acha for me it looked like u were keeping her staying with u.. just to make me wait!". His grip on her has strengthened. Ragini bites on his shirt n bites off one button. "Ragini!".  He pouts. "Do u know how to sew?". He took off his shirt n gave it her.

Ragini doesn't know anything abt household. She looked at him. "Laksh I don't know how to sew n I don't know anything else... 😢. Oh no I'm not a marriage material...!". She sat on the bed n was near her tears. "I'm not gud how can I...?". Laksh was confused... "marriage material?".

He moves backwards... Ragini looked at him how he was leaving the room. Laksh closed the window n sat next to her. "Ragini I don't know how n from where u come on marriage but before even thinking of it we should be clear abt our relationship!".

She was looking at him in disbelief. "U didn't runaway?". Laksh frowns. "Runaway? Y would I runaway?". He hold her hand n looked deep into her eyes. "Laksh please I want to know one thing! Tell me the truth! Do u love me?". She was looking at him with the hope he will answer her.

Laksh smiles. "Ragini we have agreed to this relationship bcz it's secret! Right!". She took her hand away n turns from him. She was trying to hide her tears but she couldn't stop them flowing.

Laksh places his hand on her shoulder but she just removes it. "Laksh go...". She said with a broken voice. "But Ragini don't u want an answer?". Ragini shook her head. "I don't want to know us I know u don't love me!". She stood up n vanished into the washroom... she was crying all the time then she heard the window it got opened. She wipes her tears away n come out... "Laksh...!".

Laksh looked at her. "I Love U...!".

Ragini widen her eyes. "U do...?". She blinks with her eyes several times...

She runs to him n hugs him tight. "I love u too!". She kisses him n he lifts her in his arms. They fall on the bed....🙈🙈🙈

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