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(Ali's POV)

I sat in the dark with my knees pressed against my chest, unable to tell if my eyes were opened or closed. It was cold down here. I had no blanket to cover up with, or pillow to lay my head upon. The cold ground mocked me, as I sit her alone. A steamy tear streaked down my cheek, landing on my knee.

The clothes that Morana had brought for me to wear, was not meant to be worn in the cold basement cell. All I had on was a t-shirt, and a really short pair of shorts. I felt like a prisoner in an unfamiliar environment, but it was nothing like the place I'd went to earlier. I had only died for a few minutes, but I came back. I don't know if it was something I should feel fortunate about, or if I should fear it.

I should've been dead, but for some reason I came back. That wasn't the only thing that was troubling me at the moment. I was unaware that I had lost my banshee abilities, until that moment he mentioned it. Was it the part of me that died and stayed in that awful place, or had it been gone before that?

Just then I could hear whispers within the room. My heart was beating so fast, I thought that it would beat right out of my chest. The sound grew closer, as I covered my ears. There was only one thing I wanted in this moment, and that was him. I was so scared and cold.

So, I did the only thing I could do. I cried myself to sleep. Slowly my body drifted away. What happened next was unbelievable. Even though it was pitch dark in the cell, I was staring at myself while I was sleeping. My eyes were closed, and my hands were covering my ears.

Had I died again? I couldn't have, being that I wasn't in the same place that I had gone to before. My thoughts disappeared, when I heard the whispering continue. Only this time it was clearer. I looked around the cell, but couldn't see much in the little light that radiated from me.

My body floated toward the cell door, as if it were a natural instinct. When my hand touched the bars, it went straight through. I gasped as I pulled my hand back, and studied the cage. If I was human and didn't know anything about the supernatural, that would've been more terrifying.

After taking a moment to think, I slowly walked through the cage bars. It was a cold feeling. Something that I had never felt before. It was definitely strange.

I began to look for the stairs that led to the door. That's when I began to hear the voices more. As I got closer to the exit, I seen where the voices were coming from.

"Hey, miss. Could you please help us?" The naked, bloody man said.

"Yes, please. We just want to go home," The girl with the blood soaked hair said.

After studying the two naked people in front of me, I realized this was no place for humans to be. I hesitated for a moment, before deciding to help them. My eyes darted across the room, as I searched for a set of keys.

"I seen them place them in the wall," The man said, as he pointed his finger.

I quickly checked for any loose bricks. Each one seemed stuck in its spot. That was until I pulled out a brick too fast, sending it crashing to the floor. It crumbled as it connected with the floor.

Without hesitation, I quickly pulled the keys from their hiding place, and shakily searched for the right key. I unlocked the mans shackles first, then the woman's. They rubbed their wrist, after I helped them stand up.

I held a finger up to my lips, as I motioned for them to follow me. They nodded their heads, before quietly following behind me. I walked up the stairs, then carefully twisted the door handle. Of course it was locked. So, I quickly tried the other keys on the ring.

To our luck, there was one for this door. I turned the door knob gently, to make sure it didn't a metallic scratching noise. I darted straight for the door, grabbing the girls hand, and guiding them towards its direction. Once we got to the door, I shakily lifted the keys up to the lock, but dropped them on the marble floor.

It made a loud clank noise, causing me to freeze in fear for a moment. Only when I heard an alarm blaring, I quickly picked the keys up, and tried to unlock the door. I heard a scream come from behind me. When I turned around, the woman was gone. The man looked at me with fear in his eyes. Within seconds he was pulled away into a bright light.

Panic had finally set in, until I found the key that fit into the hole. I hurriedly unlocked the door and opened it, but I was greeted with a bright light. I screamed as it sucked me in. I could no longer see anything, even though it wasn't dark though. It was a blinding white light.

With blurry eyes, I could see that Sophia was standing above me. She held a tiny flashlight, shining it into my eyes. I weakly turned my head to the side, and I could see that I was in a white room. Almost like I was in a hospital room.

"What is going on?" I asked as my eyes tried adjusting to the light.

She ignored me, and continued to check the monitor and IV that was hooked up to me. I felt so weak. Unable to move.

"Where am I? What happened to the man and woman from last night?" I asked as I gently rubbed my eyes.

When I could finally see, Sophia had stopped what she was doing. She narrowed her eyes, as she looked over her shoulder at me. I watched as she picked up a folder, and wrote something on the paper inside. After closing the folder, I could see that a picture of my face was paper-clipped to the front of it.

"What are you doing to me? What did you write in that folder?" I asked as I tried to sit up.

My arms, like fragile twigs, collapsed below me.

"Don't sit up. You're going through withdraw from not feeding," She said as she finally spoke.

"Oh, now you speak," I said as I crinkled my nose at her.

She leaned over me, and fixed the IV that had fallen out. It stung my throbbing vein, as she moved it beneath my skin. I hissed at her, and she pulled away.

"It's not my fault, that you pulled it out," She said with a smirk.

"Are you going to answer my questions?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me, before walking over to a table that had a pitcher of water and a cup sitting on it. I hadn't noticed how dry my mouth and lips were, until I watched her pour water into the cup. When she handed the cup to me, I drank vigorously from it. I eventually got annoyed, and threw the straw on the floor.

"Don't drink it so fast," She said while pulling the cup away from me.

I was so thirsty, but it wasn't water that I needed in order to quench my thirst. It left an aching in my stomach. Along with a sharp pain that shot up my abdomen. It was as if I were being drained from the inside. My veins were on fire, and my body felt as if I were having a hot flash. The last thing I remembered was my body thrashing around, before falling back into a black abyss. I watched myself float away.

(Pic is of Ali)

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now