A Night to Remember

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(Lucifer's POV)

After Sophia had tracked down her sister, I gathered up some vampires to assist Ryan and I on our journey. It didn't take long for us to arrive at Salena's house. She lived in the country, a secluded place surrounded by trees. There was a barn out back, and a corn field that seemed to stretch for miles. As the car came to a rolling stop, I could sense how nervous Ryan was.

"Having second thoughts?" I asked him.

"What? No. I just have a bad feeling about this," He said, as he looked up at the front door.

I shook my head, before grabbing him by the shirt. He looked me dead in the eyes, and I could see my reflection in them. I could also see the fear in his eyes. It felt nice to have that affect on others.

"Everything will be fine. Just stick to the plan. You found Tate, he was hurt badly. He told you to bring him here. When she asks you where he is, you will lure her into the barn. That's where I will be waiting. If things go bad, I brought some back up," I said, as I motioned to the other vampires in the car.

"You think she will fall for that?" He asked.

"You'd be surprised what a mother would do for her children. The woman I loved sent me to eternal damnation, because I posed a threat to her precious creations. Luckily for me, I escaped when a tear was created in the universe," I explained, as I let go of his shirt.

He fixed himself, before looking at me. Fear no longer showed in his eyes, but sorrow filled them instead. His humanity side was showing, and it was pathetic.

"Don't start the tears now. You left them years ago. There's no point in crying over spilt milk," I said, before patting him on the back.

"Let's just get this over with," He said, as he opened the car door.

Once he was out of the car, I stepped out after him, and ordered the driver to hide the car. While he walked up to the doorstep, I stood out of sight, but close enough to hear what he was saying. He looked at me, before ringing the doorbell. There was no answer. The lights were off, but the tv was on in the living room. I could hear two hearts beating, both very rapidly.

I urged him to try again. This time he pounded on the door. Suddenly a light turned on, and footsteps traveled down the staircase. A beautiful woman, wearing only a robe, opened the door. She stared at him, surprised at first, then anger overpowered her.

A man, wearing only boxers, appeared behind her. I could see Ryan's open hand turn into a fist. He was jealous of this strange man, who was standing almost completely naked in the doorway.

"Hello, Salena," Ryan said.

"No. You don't get to just leave for 20 years, with no explanation or note saying goodbye, and then show up on my doorstep like it never happened," She said, as she tried to close the door.

"Please, hear me out. I need to talk to you," He said, as he put his foot in the doorway.

"Listen, buddy, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you. So, just leave," The half naked man said.

"What I discuss with her about our son, is none of your business," He said through gritted teeth.

"Tate, is doing just fine without you. So, just leave us alone," She said.

"That's the thing... he's not fine," Ryan said.

"George, can you please excuse us. I'll be upstairs in a moment," She said, as she nodded her head

"What are you doing here? What do you mean something's wrong with Tate? Better yet, how did you know where I live?" She asked, as she folded her arms.

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now