Lights Out

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(Alice's POV)

We are racing against time, to get to our destination. If they were willing to go as far as tracking down and killing Tate's mother, there's no telling what else they would do. I could tell Tate was fighting his wolf side. His veins were pulsating under his skin. I couldn't blame him for the way he was feeling. He had just lost his mother, and I can still remember how I had felt when I lost the woman I knew as my mother.

In the distance, I could here a police siren. He was following after us. I could understand why, considering we were all speeding. Tate hesitated, before making a call over the radio.

"Listen, we got a pig on our tail. We gotta split up, and meet up further down the road. I'll try to lure him away," Tate said, as he watched the cop in the rearview mirror.

Tate slowed down, allowing the vampire biker gang to ride in front of us. Caleb's driving the hippy van behind Ceciella, who's driving her van. The fairies and angels are flying above them.

"What's the plan wolf boy?" Luna asked teasingly.

"I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's the only one I got. I need you to go left, and my gram to go right. The bikers and flyers will likely follow one of you. I'm going to head straight. If all else fails there's a back road that leads to a corn field. I can definitely lose him there. Remember the cop is innocent. He's not the target," Tate said.

"Copy that," Caleb said.

"I second that," Ceciella said.

At the next crossing section, everyone split up. The bikers followed Caleb, and the angels and fairies followed Ceciellia. That just left us with the cop still on our tail, which is exactly what we wanted. Tate sped up, but the cop stayed on us. He was being persistent, but Tate was even more stubborn.

"That corn field is looking pretty good right now," Alex said from the back seat.

"Just a little further," Tate said, as he gripped the steering wheel.

The cop turned on his lights, flashing colors of red, white, and blue filled our car. This guy was just not giving up. I was half tempted to tell Tate to stop, and I could just kill him. He wouldn't let me do that though.

"Come on! We're wasting to much time on this guy," I said, as I turned the steering wheel.

We were now facing the direction of the corn field, but the cop was facing us. Just before he could ram into us, Tate slammed his foot on the gas pedal. Off we went into the field. I could here the sound of breaks screeching, as the cop came to a stop on the road behind us. He was not giving up.

Tate took as many turns as possible, to try and lose the cop. Up ahead, there was an opening. I pointed to it, and Tate nodded his head. As soon as we reached the other side of the field, the cop was waiting for us. Tate slammed his foot on the break, causing everyone to fly forward from their seats. I used my hands to stop me from hitting the dashboard and windshield.

The car came to a screeching halt in front of the cop. He was dressed in his uniform, badge, hat, sunglasses, gun, and all. Tate was still fighting his urges, and this officer wasn't helping. He stuck a toothpick in his mouth before approaching us. Tate rolled down the window slowly with one hand, while the other gripped the steering wheel.

"Well well well, what do we have here. A couple of speed demons?" The man asked as he bent down to look through the window.

"Listen... I have been through enough shit today. I don't have time to for this," Tate said, as he kept his eyes straight.

"No, you listen to me you little filthy hybrid. If you even think about speeding away, I will have my men shoot every single one of you in this vehicle," He said with a straight face.

It was then, that I noticed the other men surrounding the car. They must have been hiding in the corn field. Each of them held a gun in their hands, pointed at our heads. I didn't even have to look behind myself, to know that a man was standing behind me, because he held the gun to my head through the window.

"Tate," I said in a concerned tone.

"What do you want?" Tate asked the officer.

"What are you?" I asked him.

He grinned, showing his fangs. Only they weren't normal fangs. They were a mix between a werewolf and vampire teeth, but not quite the same. His eyes even glowed orange.

"That doesn't answer my question. I've never met one of your kind before," I said.

"I was once an angel, a high archangel. My best friend was Lucifer. I agreed with his beliefs, when it came to humans. So, I helped him with his plan to get the humans to show their sinful ways. Kira punished all who agreed with or helped Lucifer. Told us that if we were going to act like animals she'd turn us into one," He explained.

"So what does that make you?" Tate asked.

"We are what you would call hellhounds," He said with a grin.

I had remembered reading something about them, when Anna and I were still trying to figure out what I was. Even then I was wrong. I'm a descendent of Kira, a god. I was given the banshee curse to keep my real identity a secret, but even that didn't keep me safe. I still have people who are after me. At first it was Kane, and now Lucifer and his pets.

"You think I'm a pet?" He asked.

"No? How?" I asked.

"She turned us into dogs, as a way to represent man's best friend. Cursed to guard the gates of hell, Lucifer's cage, and to roam the Underworld. Never mistake me for a pet," He said angrily.

"You seem more like his bitch if you ask me," I said with a smirk.

The man behind me nudged my head with the gun.

"You won't shoot me. I'm the reason he sent you. Aren't I?" I asked.

"You know what. You're right. Grab her," The hellhound said.

In an instant, I was being pulled out through the window. The other men, pulled everyone else out of the car as well. I struggled to break free of his grip. He was a lot stronger than I am.

"Tate!" I yelled, as the hound dragged me towards the police van.

"Don't even think about it, mutt," The leader of hounds dressed up like an officer said.

Before Tate could turn, the hound shot him in the neck with a tranquilizer dart. I watched as his limp body was pulled from the car. The hound that dragged me out, threw me in the back of the police van. I felt my body start to change, as I charged at him. He shocked me with a long handled tazer. My whole body was numb. I couldn't move, as I laid there. My red hair covering my eyes, making it hard to see what was going on.

Suddenly, I was being tied up with rope. Which only made it harder to move. The leader stood in front of me, and carefully pulled the hair out of my face. I snapped at him, and he pulled his hand back. He looked at me with daggers in his eyes. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"You're going to regret this," I said with laugh.

"We'll see about that," He said with a smirk.

The other hounds tied up, and threw the rest of my group into the back of the van. Tate landed by my side with a hard thud. He had pain written all over his face, even with his eye closed.

"What did you do to him?" I asked angrily.

"I gave him a shot of silver elixir. It's toxic for a werewolf. Since he's a hybrid, it won't kill him, but he'll be unconscious for a while," He said with a sly grin.

"You won't get away with this," I said through gritted teeth.

"I'm afraid we already have," He said as he stood up.

"I'm going to have fun watching you die," I said with a slight smile.

"We'll see about that. For now, it's lights out," He said, before hitting me in the head with the butt of his gun.

My vision blurred, and all the noises seemed to fade away. Before my eyes drifted off into a deep slumber, I was swallowed up in the darkness.

(Pic is of Alice)

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now