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(Tara's POV)

We ended up going right, with the angels and fairies following us. While Caleb went left, and the bikers followed him. Tate drove straight, as the police van chased after him. The call was dropped, and there was no sign of anyone. Ceciellia tried to call Tate, but there was no answer. So, she called Caleb instead.

"Hey, have you heard from Tate? Do you know if he got away?" She asked him.

"No, we lost them after we turned left. We are close to an old church if you want to regroup," Caleb replied.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there," Ceciella said, before hanging up the phone.

It wasn't long, before we were parked in front of the church. He wasn't kidding about how old it was. You could clearly tell it hasn't been kept up with, making it appear as if it had been abandoned long ago. The windows were covered in dust and cob webs. Vines and roots grew on the outer walls and stairs. It looked as though it were ready to crumble to ground.

Everyone exited the vehicles, and stood in a group. Voices buzzing loudly through the air, as everyone talked at the same time. I tried to clear my throat in order to get their attention so I could speak, but no one heard me. I looked at Emrick for help. His eyes met mind and he nodded his head, before stepping forward while letting his voice bellow.

"Quiet!" He yelled.

Everyone went silent, except for the echo of his voice over the flat land that surrounded us. All eyes were now on us. I cleared my throat once more, before speaking.

"I think it's safe to assume that they have been captured. This was a setup to separate us. Things are getting serious. If anyone is going to back out, now would be the time to do so," I said as I looked out at the crowd.

No one moved a muscle. I nodded my head.

"Very well then. Our next step is to continue on with our travels. They have our children, our families, our friends. We will bring everyone back alive. As long as we stick together as a team," I said as I lifted my head high.

"That's my girl," My mother and Emrick said at the same time.

They shared an awkward glance.

"So what's the plan?" Aiden asked as he stepped forward.

"I haven't really gotten that far," I said quietly.

"I say we crash their little party!" A biker said while raising his fist in the air.

"Yes, that is the overall plan, but we need to think this through, before just rushing in like a bat out of hell," I said.

Everyone went quiet for a moment, as if they were in deep thought. Aiden's pacing was driving me insane, but suddenly he stopped.

"What if I went in? I turn myself in.
That's what they want. Why not give me to them, and in return they let everyone go," He said as he looked at me.

"Lucifer wouldn't let it go that easily. I know him too well," Kira said as she looked at me.

"Alice wouldn't let that happen anyway," I said.

"Well, I'm not just going to stand around and wait. Who knows what they're doing to them," Aiden replied angrily.

"We will all die if we dont have a plan," Emrick explained.

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now