The Sound of Wings

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(Aiden's POV)

I decided to call it a night, and took Anna to a hotel. She slept peacefully in the bed, while I stared out the window. My heart ached for her. Not Anna, but Ali. My mate. I knew I couldn't bring this strange girl with me, while I looked for her. I looked back at the sleeping girl. She stirred in her sleep, before rolling over.

I sighed as I walked over to her, and covered her up with the blanket on the bed. She smiled in her sleep, as she curled up in its warmth. I needed to clear my head. So, I decided to get a shower. After turning on the water, I stripped off my clothes, then stepped into the tub. The hot water washing over me. It felt so relaxing. I definitely needed this.

I used the hotel shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair. Then I picked up a bar of soap, that had an intricate design carved into it, and washed my body with it. I stood under the water, watching as the suds run down my body, and into the drain. Only after my fingers began to prune did I get out of the tub.

To my surprise, Anna was standing in the door way. I tried my best to cover myself with a towel, as she stared at my wet body, while she licked her lips. She started to walk towards me, and I nearly tripped over my own clothes.

"Please, don't. I have a girlfriend, who means the world to me. I wouldn't want to hurt her," I said as I held my palm out towards her.

She just giggled, as she gently pushed my hand out of the way. I closed my eyes, as she pushed herself against me. Her hot breath lingered against my neck.

"Don't worry. I'm just looking for a little snack. I feel so weak," She said, as she ran her hand up my bare chest.

Before I could say anything, she latched her mouth onto my neck, and began to drink vigorously. At first it hurt, then it felt almost pleasurable. I gripped her by her hair, and she bit down harder. A moan managed to escape my lips, as my legs quivered. The only other person, who was able to have that affect on me, was Ali.

"Ali..." I said to myself.

That's when I snapped back to reality. I pushed her away from me, and she fell to the floor. My neck was bleeding profusely. I held my hand against it, as it slowly healed. She looked up at me with sad eyes, and blood dripping down her chin.

"I'm so sorry. I-I just can't," I said, as I left the bathroom.

I grabbed the duffel bag with my clothes in it, and quickly got dressed, while she sat in the bathroom. After putting my clothes on, I checked my phone for the first time since I left. I had over 50 missed calls and 30 messages. Most of them were from my mom and dad. Or should I say Alice and Tate, now that I found out they're not my real parents. The other missed calls, were from Anna and Alex. None of them were from the one person I wanted it to be.

I leaned against the wall, and threw my phone on the ground. This was it. I was at a stand still. I didn't know what to do. Ali was always the one, who kept me in check. Now that she was no longer here, I was lost. I slid down the wall, and buried my face in my hands.

"I don't feel so good," Anna said before collapsing on the floor in front of me.

I looked up at an unconscious Anna, who was laying on the floor. Before I could react, a knock came at the door. I quickly picked Anna up, and placed her on the bed. I wrapped my towel around my neck, to hide the blood that stained it, before opening the door. A woman, with dark hair and bright hazel eyes, stood in doorway. Her gaze left mine, and landed on Anna.

"I see my sister has gotten herself into some trouble," She said as she pushed past me.

"Your sister?" I asked, as I carefully watched her.

"Yes. My name is Sarah. I'm a vampire, too. My sister has a way of luring men to their death. I'm surprised you're not dead yet," She said as she looked over her shoulder.

"I-I didn't know she had a sister. She tried to go home, but no someone else lived there," I said.

"That's because after she was turned, she killed our mother. She's not safe to be around. I will be taking her home now," Sarah said as she picked up the limp Anna into her arms.

I watched Sarah carry her to the door. Anna's eyes fluttering, as she tries to gain consciousness. She reaches for me, but her hand goes limp and her head falls back. Sarah slides her into the passenger side, the strapped Anna in. She blows a kiss at me, before taking her seat on the drivers side.

"I'll see you soon," She said before speeding off.

For some reason, I didn't have a good feeling about this. Something wasn't right. I had to do the last thing I wanted to do. After closing the door, I looked for my phone. It wasn't where I had thrown it. I checked under and on top of the beds. It was nowhere to be found.

I rushed out of the room, just as Sarah stopped at the hotel's parking lot exit. Anna was pounding on the window, before Sarah sped off, causing her to fly back in the passenger seat. I tried to chase after them, but they were too fast for me. She ran a red light, and I stopped running, but I didn't stop fast enough.

I was nearly blinded by two headlights aimed right for me. They tried to swerve, but they still hit me. I could feel the bones in my body breaking, as the car connected with me. For a moment, I felt as light as the night air. I waited for the pain of my body hitting the ground, but it never came.

The sound of wings flapping, was the only thing I could hear. I was too weak to open my eyes. So, I let who or what ever it was carry me away. At this point I had no choice.

(Pic is of Aiden)

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