Something's Coming

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(Tara's POV)

After getting Emma to calm down and lay in her bed, I then followed Ceciellia back to the kitchen. She turned the stove off, and put a lid over the pot of boiling soup, before joining me back at the table. I was waiting for her to ask me to continue what we had been talking about earlier.

"I hope this doesn't start a power surge in all of the children. What a mess it would be, for them to all go through this without their parents being here. I don't know whether I should help them embrace their abilities, or contain them," She said as she hung her head in her hands.

"A child should never feel scared of who they are. They need to get a grip of it, before it becomes complete and utter chaos," I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

She gave me that knowing glance, and my shoulders drooped. Here it was. I knew it would come.

"Tell me. Is that how you felt as a child?" She asked.

I sighed, as I sank in my seat. The world felt as if it were resting on my shoulders. All of its weight, weighing down on me. Little me. I closed my eyes, allowing a single tear to streak down my face.

I was back at that place. My life flashing before me. A very long life. When I was just a little girl, I hadn't stopped aging yet. My life had only just begun.

I was maybe 3 years old. Alone, cold, and crying. I could see the woman who left me, as she walked away. To this day, I still hadn't known if it were my mother, or if it were someone else. I never did see her face, it had been covered by the hood of a robe.

The only thing I could remember, was her long, black hair cascading out of the hood. After being alive for over 1000 years, I could no longer remember my real mothers face. At this point, I had grown up without her all this time, it no longer mattered. It is what happened within those 1000 years that mattered most.

Her face was replaced by a woman who had saved me from the bitter cold. For a time, I was truly happy. I had almost forgotten about that day. I was living a normal life. That was until a scientific breakthrough happened.

A group of children were born at the exact same time, in a small town on the western side of the United States. They were studied for a period of time. It wasn't long, before they had gained the knowledge of what those children really were. They were the first of the Immortals. The Lost Children, is what I was later taught to call them. Annah had taught me everything I knew of our kind.

Those children went through many scientific researches and studies. Each one possessing a different ability. Abilities that a normal human wouldn't have. They were killed out of fear of the unknown, but that didn't stop the war that was to come. More and more children popped up, and precautions were taken. Bounty hunters, also known as Slayers, were sent out to do the termination of our kind. It wasn't only the children who suffered. Families were also killed off, to ensure that no more special children were reproduced.

It wasn't until I turned 10, that I started to notice the changes within myself. That's when I had begun to worry. I was scared of what I could do, but more scared of what would happen to my family and I. My walls were crumbling down, and my emotions flowed out of me. I had lost control, and messed up beyond repair. Our house went up in flames, and I almost hadn't made it.

I remembered being pulled out of the flames, and into the arms of someone. The screams of my parents and older brother, were ringing in my ears as they burned up inside that house. Yet someone saved me. Why did they have to save me? Is all could think at that moment.

They threw me in the carriage, and began to ride off into the night. I was sitting in the back of the carriage alone, as my savior rode on the horse that pulled it. We were going so fast, but at the time I didn't care. I just wanted my parents. With my knees against my chest, I wrapped my arms around my head and cried to myself.

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now