A Part of Me

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(Alice's POV)

After almost being ran over by Tate, I was weak from using all my strength to stop the moving car. Tate got out of the car, and embraced me in a hug. He kissed my forehead, as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Don't you ever run away like that again. You had us scared," He said as he pulled away.

"I had to find him. What if he is in trouble?" I asked as I shook my head.

"We will find him. I promise you," He said as he tried to pull me in the direction of the car.

I pulled out of his grip, and shook my head. I couldn't go back. Not yet. Not while he was out there, alone and unknowing.

"He needs me," I said as I touched my heart.

I had a blood bond with him. Almost like a mate, but not quite in the same way. We had a connection that was unexplainable. He was mine, whether I had given birth to him or not.

"We need to stick together, Alice. I don't want to lose you too," He said as he grabbed me by my arms, and shook me gently.

It shook me literally. His actions took me by surprise.

"Tate!" I heard my father yell, as he emerged from the back seat of the car.

I looked at him, and tilted my head.

"Who else is with you?" I asked as I shook my head at Tate.

"Just, please, come back to the house. We are waiting to hear back from everyone," He said, as he tried to pull me in the direction of the car once again.

I gave in, sighing in defeat. When I got in the back seat, I noticed another female sitting beside my father. She was smiling at me. It was a strange feeling. I felt as if I had seen her before, but I kept my mouth shut, as we made our way back to the mansion.

Once we arrived, I headed straight for the door. I wanted to be alone. That was until I entered the living room. Sitting on the couch was Damon, Rain, Luna, and Caleb. My mother and Ceciellia had just walked out of the kitchen, and were staring at me. I gave a confused glance, as I looked at all of them, before turning to face Tate.

"If this was your idea of an intervention, you are making a big mistake. This is a joke," I said before rushing out of the living room.

A mixture of emotions were flooding within me. I didn't want to feel anything anymore. My world was tearing at the seams, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I had finally thought that everything was going good, but sadly I was terribly mistaken. Another battle to fight. Another fight I didn't have the strength for. This just might be the one that I lose.

I fell to the floor on my knees, with my palms holding me up. The tears forming at the rim of my eyes. Weak. I was weak. Unable to hold my composure. I wanted nothing more, than to release all that I was feeling, but I needed to be alone in order to do so.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I pushed them away. When I heard her cry, after falling to the floor, my heart dropped. The look of fear over-washed her, as I looked back at her. I tried reaching for her, but she backed away from me, before running away.

"Emma!" I yelled as I got to my feet.

I went straight to her room. To my surprise she wasn't alone. She was crying in the arms of her brother, Alec, and two other children I have never met before. They looked at me, with anger in their eyes, as they shielded Emma from me. It was as if they were protecting her. From me, her mother. I attempted to get closer, but they all raised their palms to me.

"Mom, please stop. You're scaring us," Ezekiel said as he looked away.

Before I could say anything more, my body was sent flying out of the room, and the door slammed shut in front of me. I hit the wall with a hard thud, causing a picture to fall from where it was hanging. When I picked up the cracked picture frame, I could see the glowing red color of my eyes. How long had they looked like this?

That wasn't even the worst part. I had hurt my daughter, and my children are afraid of me. Not only that, but they had just used their powers to send me flying out of the room. I didn't even know they knew how to use them.

"Alice?" Tate asked as he came around the corner.

He was surprised to see me on the floor, and rushed to my side. I looked up at him, and he stopped. Following behind him was the woman, who was in the car when they found me. She touched his arm, and he moved aside. I didn't like that she had touched him. She kneeled at my side, and helped me stand up. After I was on my feet, I placed the picture back on the wall.

"Come with me, Alice," She said, as she began to walk away.

I hesitantly followed her, and made slight eye contact with Tate, as I walked past him. He gave me a sad smile, before going into Emma's room. This mysterious woman led me through the mansion, as if she knew the place or had been here before. I didn't know whether I could trust her or not. Something was off about her.
She took me into the basement, and closed the door behind us, without even touching it. I stared at her in wonder, but she just smiled at me.

"Don't be afraid, Alice. You mustn't fear me. I'm here to help," She said, as she sat on a chair in the middle of the room.

"How exactly are you going to help us? Who are you? Are you Aiden's sister?" I asked cautiously, as I kept my distance from her.

She laughed, as she shook her head. I studied her, as I moved closer.

"I'm not whoever you think I am. My name is Kira. I am what humans would call God. You would call me grandmother," She said, as she looked up at me.

For a moment, I was stunned. At first, I was unsure of what she meant. Then it hit me. The resemblance was uncanny. I could see myself in her.

From her blonde hair, to her stunning blue eyes. She was a part of me. Well, I was a part of her. I sunk to my knees, and stared at her in wonder. I was at loss for words. I wasn't sure how to feel, let alone know what I should say.

(Pic is of Alice)

The Silent One: Sinners And Saints (Book 3) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now