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 "You sick bastard!" Harland screamed at me. She had her hands in fists and her teeth gritting. I looked around. The whole school was watching this little midget that used to be my friend screaming at me in front of everyone. Her face was red and she was breathing heavily. I tried to shake it off and walk away, but Harland followed me. "Where are you going!? Are you scared again, Annie? Scared that you are going to get punked in front of the whole school?" I breathed deeply and looked around at everyone, pretending I didn't know who she was talking to. But then she sputtered out that last sentence that made me furious. "You're a quitter just like your mom!" Everyone in the crowd gasped.

 That word, quitter, echoed in my head. I turned around and stomped over to her. "Listen up here you stupid crap! I wouldn't have posted that if you would have just listened to me!" She punched me in the chest. "You're the crap, not me!" I punched her back and she punched me until finally I picked her up and sent her flying. She landed stomach first on the pavement. I heard her cuss me out before flipping me off, crying, and running away. I have to be honest, I felt a little bad. It was my fault, after all. But she took it to far, and that made me feel better as I walked away. The bell rang just as I stepped into the building and saw Harland with blood coming out of her mouth while her friends tried to comfort her. As I walked by, they started throwing papers and books at me. One of their books hit me in the leg, causing me to limp the rest of the way to Math, my favorite subject. Unfortunately, it was also my only subject with Harland, and there was no way in hell I was speaking to her again. She was still bleeding out the mouth and started giving me dirty looks. But, lets be honest, Gym is going to be IMPOSSIBLE thanks to her and her friends. Thank you, Harland!

 Riiiiiiiinnnng! The bell finally rang, thank god, and Math is over. I was feeling bad for Harland a second ago, but now I'm just really freaked out. She has been staring at me the whole class and I'm pretty terrified. In computers, I re watched the video of her fishing I posted on Youtube and saw the comments. Guilt started immediately flowing through my head. I went to apologize to Harland and delete that video off of Youtube, but Harland was no where to be seen after computers. It was like she completely disappeared. I checked everywhere, and even asked the teachers where she was. The Gym teachers said she never showed up for Gym. I went and talked to the Science teacher, because I knew she had Science before Gym. But the Science teacher said she had never left. "She seemed very depressed," he said, "and she experienced constant nose bleeds which she just wiped off. If it happened once I wouldn't have been concerned, but it happened five to six times! I asked if she had to go to the nurse, but she refused. Very strange..." This made me feel even worse, because I knew she was bleeding because of me. I asked what happened when the bell rang, and he said Harland was gone when he looked up from his desk. And to add to the creepiness, nobody in class knew were she was either. I knew one person who might know where she went, though: Dzoshua Orzeovski. He is a student from some Slavic country in Europe who helps Mr. Richard (our janitor) with the schools camera system.

 I knocked on the door for the janitors office and asked Mr. Richard if I could talk to Dzosh for a second. I walked around the office for a while, lost, until finding a door labeled surveillance. And out stepped a tall, brunette boy with brown eyes and a small scar under his eye.  "Yeeees?" he asked me in a sarcastic voice. "Uh, yeah, hi I'm Annie Summerall and my friend Harland went missing a few hours ago. None of the teachers know where she is. Soooooo, can you help me out here or what?" He motioned for me to come in. Inside there was a desk with tons of monitors on the wall behind it. On the desk, there were four small computers plugged into the monitors. "Alright, I need a time and a place." I told him that she was at her Science class at about 1:30 am. He typed something into one of the computers and clicked enter. Immediately, all four monitors show the Science class with Harland in it from different angles. I looked at the time displayed in the top right corned. Only a few seconds before class is dismissed. On the screen, Harland starts to nose bleed again. Just as she goes to wipe it off, the footage cuts to black. I looked over at Dzosh, who is just as confused as me. He starts typing maniacally on the keyboard. The lights start to flicker. The computer screens go black. I start to scream but Dzosh tells me to calm down. "It's probably just the power cut off. Now, come on, let's get out of here". I reach out for the door handle but then I froze. I start to get a strong scent of smoke. "Is that...." The room goes to blazes. A fire rages near the computers. I run out and look back for Dzosh, who is no where to be seen. The fire rages on, just as Mr. Richard comes in.

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