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 I ran home as fast as I could. I don't care what he had or what he looked liked, I was going to save Sophie. As I crossed the street and went through the woods to get to my house, I saw some strange writing on one of the trees. The writing (which was written in the same bloody letters the killer used) read You're too late with a smiley face under it. I didn't give a damn though! He could put a million horrific things in my way, but I will never stop. I have to get home fast! Finally I sprinted out of the woods. My house was in eyes view. I heard screams from inside. They belonged to Mom and Dad. Maybe I wasn't too late. I rammed through the door, grabbed the gun from Dad's safe (which was hanging open) and loaded one bullet in the round. I ran upstairs and busted into Sophie's room. The man with the black hoodie and white mask had Sophie in his hands. She was wrapped up in her blanket, crying as Mom and Dad tried to pull her out of his arms. When I stepped in with the gun, they all stopped and looked at me.

 The killer froze, Sophie still in his hands. Mom and Dad backed up and hid behind me, shaking. Mom told me to do something, while Dad just kept repeating the words, "Shoot him. Shoot him." The killer started to slowly back up. I fingered the trigger, the gun shaking in my hands. One wrong move and I could kill Sophie. "Put her down and I won't shoot!" I yelled. He just slowly backed up, one hand on Sophie and the other one shielding his face a little. He slowly continued to back up. I was sick of this guys games. "PUT DOWN THE BABY, QUIT THE BULL, AND GIVE ME MY DAMN SISTER OR I WILL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" In one sudden move, the killer dived out the window, breaking through the glass. BAM! I tried to shoot him but missed and hit the top of the window frame. I heard a loud thud and saw the killer holding my sister in a pool of blood. Mom went to call the police while Dad when downstairs to make sure he didn't get up and run away. I stayed at the window just in case he ran and they didn't see what direction he went in. I saw him slowly get up. He dropped his mask and covered his face with Sophie. I screamed for Mom and Dad to hurry up, but he started sprinting into the woods with Sophie. Next thing I know Dad is sprinting after him and Mom is standing on the patio screaming and crying.

 Dad was gone for a while, and I started to worry that he was dead or hurt. Finally, he came home with Sophie wrapped up in her blanket. I ran up and hugged him. "It was hard to see in the dark, but I found her near a big tree. That creep must've dropped her. She didn't have any bruises, so I'm assuming she's just really tired." Mom locked the door behind him, just in case he tried to bust in again.

 At that very moment, though, the killer started texting me again.....

 At that very moment, though, the killer started texting me again

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 I instantly grabbed the blanket and unwrapped it. Sophie wasn't there. Instead there was a BABY DOLL with a note attached to it. The note read, Play the game or the girl gets it. Mom collapsed on the ground and started crying. Dad grabbed the doll and slammed it across the table in anger, breaking the head. The killer fooled us. He fooled all of us. And now Sophies gone.

 Unless I play the game....

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