First Date part 1

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Jace's POV

I called Clary 6 hours ago if she wanted to grab dinner and this happened

*flashback to 6 hours*

Ring. Ring...she picked up on the third ring and said hello. " Hey uh...was wondering if you wanted have dinner with me tonight." I heard someone ask her who it was and what they wanted and she replied to them with "Mom don't worry it is just Jace and he is asking me out to dinner." I could practically see the smile on her face and the proudness in her voice. Her mom then is on he phone. "Jace took you long enough. You two have been dating what a month and you haven't even went on a date yet. I will have her done in 2 hours." I replied to her with "Don't make her look too nice I don't want boys staring at her and we are just going to go to our favorite diner then go walk around the city. And I know not to go to the weapons shops in the town and not to go near Lake Lyn." I could practically hear how proud she is of how I know her and her daughter so much. "Bye Jace" "Bye Jocelyn." I hung up and killed an hour before I took a shower and got dressed in my casual look of black and left to get her next door.

Clary's POV

Right when Jace hung up my mom looked at me with her 'you better cooperate or this will only be harder on you' look. She then got to work on pushing me in the shower then sat me at my vanity table and started the pulling, plucking, and bossing.

2 hours later *for the sake of my fingers*

I was done. I was in black skinny jeans with my hoodie that says "Don't you dare bring those ducks over here" As you can tell Jace made me the hoodie for Christmas one year. I blushed when I saw that my mom picked that for me to wear. But it was freezing out. Then a ring knocked me out of my daydream of that Christmas. I went to get it and Jace was there with a rose. He handed it to me and said "you look beautiful." I blushed and he smiled at my blush. He extended his arm to me and I took it gladly. He hen led me away toward the town. From behind me I could hear my mom and dad taking pictures and whispering to each other. Then there was John and I could feel his stare burning into my head and his thoughts in my head of 'If you touch him in a way that I wouldn't like then I will personally feed you both to demons myself'. I looked at Jace and he looked at me and we smiled and he said "Let the date begin. Oh and by the way I love the hoodie." And before I knew it he started running down the hill laughing with me right behind him doing the same thing.

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