Suit and Dress

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Jace's POV

I was going through photos and videos of Clary on my phone at her parent's house when my Dad and brother came barging in. They grabbed me and said "By request of your mother, soon to be mother in law, and grandmother. They said we are to take you to get a suit for your wedding, while they go with Clary to do the same." I immediately felt bad for Clary, she was being dragged to wedding stores with probably the three most fashion girls in the world. My dad then came back but with Clary's dad and Johnathan told them the same thing he told me. Valentine then said, "I don't think I have ever felt so bad for my daughter. Geez Jocelyn will probably make her try on every dress in every wedding store in Idris." I can't help the laugh that comes out. John and Will both say "Well lets get this over with." We then walk down to the town where all the stores are.

Clary's POV

After we left Jace's parent's house we went straight to the bridal shop. I thank the angel that there are only two stores that sell wedding dresses in the town closest to us that doesn't sell any suits, 1-so we don't bump into Jace and 2-so I don't get dragged to every single store that sells wedding stuff. I had managed to convince everyone that we are only looking for a dress and saving everything else for next week. When we get to town we go right into Will's friend's parent's/family's bridal shop. 'Lightwood's bridal shop'. When we head in we are greeted by a raven haired woman around my mom and Jace's mom's age. "Hello, welcome to Lightwoods bridal shop. My name is Mayrese." She looks at us and recognizes us "Oh. Celine how are you and how is Will I can tell Max misses him. Poor Max is always being messed with by my adoptive daughter Tessa Gray, but she has taken a liking to the Lightwood last name." Celine nods and says how she and Will have been very well. "I can't help but ask, who might be getting married and needs a dress?" Mayrese says smiling, everyone points to me. "Oh yay, a young one. I will go fetch my daughter for you she seems to have the better fashion sense out of us two." 5 minutes later a girl also with raven black hair comes into the room and greets us, "Hello everyone, I am Isabell but call me Izzy." She really says the last part to me and my mom. When she spots me she immediately comes over and hugs me. "You must be Clary, Will talks about you all the time and I recognized you from a picture he stole from his brother's room." I smile at her and nod. "Well lets get looking shall we."

TIME SKIP-(because I am not going to bore you with that)

The last 8hr 47min and 58sec and counting have been filled with me trying on dresses and everyone even Izzy saying something like 'too fluffy' 'not fluffy enough' 'too lacy' 'not lacy enough' 'way too much boob showing' 'too long' 'too short' well, you get the idea. "Okay how about this?" Izzy takes me behind the changing curtain and gets me in my dress. When I come out there was chorus of yeses and my mom has tears on her face. I then changed into my normal clothes and we paid for the dress and the plain white vail we also got, and then headed home.

 I then changed into my normal clothes and we paid for the dress and the plain white vail we also got, and then headed home

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              (Clary's dress but in gold)

Jace's POV

We went to only 2 different stores but at least I didn't try everything on in each store. When we got to the second store in the back was the perfect gold suit, it wasn't all gold and I liked that. We were only out for about 2hr and 30min or so, and I would try on a suit I liked and my Dad and Clary's dad would deny or accept. Meanwhile Will was sat in a chair reading the book 'A Tale of Two Cities'. Will reads very long books for a 10 year old, I didn't start reading until Clary was obsessed and I read the books in a week so I could understand her when she talked about Harry Potter. Clary was the reason I did a lot of things, like start drawing but I couldn't draw at all so she pointed me to painting and said "Not all artists find their talent on paper. And it doesn't have to be realistic you could draw emotions with colors and how you feel with different lines. Try that." I did become good at that in the end and I loved it when I would see her look up from her sketch book and smiled at me. She was what made me really happy all my childhood, and that is why I am marrying her. We go to the front and pay for the suit, gold bow tie, and black dress shoes I got since I don't have any shoes beside my tennis shoes and my combat boots.(Note: I couldn't find a picture of his suit.)

When we get back we go to my house to hide my suit in my dad's closet because Clary will most likely be in my room and closet. After we put it away I text Clary saying we are done and I am at my house. I put my phone away and take out the Shadowhunter codex even though I have read it many times I still like to read it. 

Time skip 5 hours

It has been 5 hours since I got back home and without Clary it is very boring, I have tried sleeping but I am not tired, I have tried calling her but it only answered once by Jocelyn saying we are still trying dresses on then hung up. Clary did reply to my text saying how her mother took her phone so she wasn't distracted while trying dresses on. I lose my train of thoughts by someone knocking on the door I say it's open then the door opens and Clary is in the door way and I am immediately happy.

Clary's POV

When I get back home my mom takes the dress and puts it in her closet. I then run over to Jace's house because I have been dying to see him. When I get to his door I knock and hear a come in. When I step inside Jace sees me and gets up and runs over to me and picks me up and spins me in the air and we both laugh, when he set me down he pulled me to him and hugged me nuzzling his face into my neck. 'By the angel I want to marry this man' I think to myself.  After that we go and get ready for bed, falling asleep in each others arms.

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