Sad story

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Clarys POV

Jace and I have been so happy. We went to see the Silent Brothers a few weeks after we had Celines birthday and we figured out we are having two girls. I am now 9 months pregnant and I am suppose to pop at any moment, this made Jace have me on total house arrest. All he lets me do is take a shower as long as he is in the bedroom so he can hear me and lay in bed all day everyday, he brings me food and that is a plus. Currently I am sitting in bed surfing Netflix on the TV. I am currently watching The Originals and I love it, I have watched 4 seasons in 4 days. I also watched all 8 seasons of Vampire Diaries before this, luckily they just added the newest season(5) of The Originals and I am starting it now. I may be a shadowhunter but I still enjoy Vampire romances. While in the middle of an episode I start getting awe full cramps...oh, god. They are contractions...I am going into labor. "Jace! Jace! I need you, now!" I scream and clutch my stomach as much as I can with a pregnant stomach. He rushes in the room and sees me and yells for Ragnar Fell, a family warlock, and Brother Enoch. They rush into a room with Jace carrying me, he lays me on a table because the babies are coming now and we don't have time to get to an infirmary. 

"On three I need you to push." Ragnar says. I push and I feel as if my body is burning from the inside out. All so can remember before passing out was Jace shouting at Ragnar and Brother Enoch.

I woke up in my bed. I look around and my eyes fall on my pregnant stomach...though it isn't pregnant anymore. I look over in the corner and see Jace standing and looking out of the open window of our room. "Jace?" He turns around and he is holding blankets and in the blankets was a baby. I look up at him with confusion and notice the tears in his eyes. Jace barely ever cries. "Jace? Why is there only one baby?" I start getting extremely nervous. He is now by the bed, he drops down with the baby on the bed and sobs. "Jace?" He looks up at me and says "You passed out. Ragnar and Brother Enoch rushed you into surgery to get the babies out. All I know is that when they came out they were only holding one baby... they told me was either save the last baby or you. You were losing too much blood and didn't have enough time to safely get the other baby out. I told them to try and do both. But, the baby died while they were trying to take it out." He looks down and continues to cry and I start crying. I lost one of my baby's lives to save my own. Jace hands me our baby, I look at it "Boy or girl?" He looks at me "Girl." I look at him "Does she have a name." He shakes his head no. "Well then what about...Hope. And no it isn't because I am a fan girl. I just think that we could use some hope in our lives." He looks at me and nods his head and smiles a faint but sure smile. I smile back, and he gets into the bed next to me. I lay Hope in the middle of us and we both kiss her forehead. I look at Jace and he looks at me "Always And Forever?" He smiles and shakes his head "You are such a fan girl. But I love that about you. And yes Always. And. Forever." We smile at each other.

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