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11 months later
Jace's POV

It was an hour before training again and Clary is in the shower. I took a shower first so I could go talk to Valentine. I go into the bathroom where Clary is and say "Babe I am going to go ahead down to the training room." She then perks her head out of the side of the shower "Okay I will be down in about half an hour." I nod and go and peck her on the lips.

When I get to the training room I know Valentine is there with Johnathan because we all train while Jocelyn is on snack and drink duty, she normally does train but for some reason she nor Valentine wants her to. "Hey Jace why you down here so early. You don't usually come down for another hour." Valentine says. "Dad those days he was probably just to busy making out with Clary. There were some days when they would come down and their lips would be almost purple and they had hickies on their necks." Johnathan says and Valentine gives him the cold stare. I then say "I may not deny that but that isn't why I am here so early." Valentine comes over to me and says "Oh my god did you two break up." I look at him and say " Actually it is the complete opposite. You know how shadowhunters find love early and they also get married earlier too." We hear shrieking from the hall and Jocelyn comes over and hugs me with a smile on her face. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ASKING IF YOU CAN MARRY HER. BECAUSE MY ANSWER IS YES." Her smile was almost ear to ear. I look at Valentine then and I then say "Yes that is what I am asking. I love your daughter and we have been together for almost a year now. I mean you and Jocelyn got married after 6 months of being together." Johnathan grabs my shoulders and we look into each other's eyes. He sighs and says "You have my blessing. Dad?" We all look over at Valentine and he says "Well I coming from how much you love my Clary and how much she loves you. Yes you have my blessing." We all start cheering and laughing together then Valentine says "Now you just need Clary to say yes." Right on cue Clary walks in and everyone looks at her. She just laughs and comes up to me and kissed me. We have gotten used to kissing in front of people over the past few months. We then break apart and get started on training with smiles on all of our faces.

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