The end

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60 years later

Jace's POV

I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. I am old and grey but I had the best life I could ever have, I had it with my beautiful Clary and my 3 kids. Clary. The one word that hurt me more than my dying body, she has been gone for the past 7 months and they have been the most painful months in my long life.I remember her green eyes dulling as she died, 'Green will mend our broken hearts.' My kids are standing around my bed with their kids and husbands/wives outside the door. Hope is sitting by me and holding my hand, Jack is sitting by my other hand, then my youngest William is standing at the foot of the bed. 'For death and morning the color is white.' "Dad?" I look over at Hope, "Yes, Hope?" She has tears in her eyes: "Can you tell us the rhyme that you told us when we were young?" I nod, "Black for hunting through the night, for death and morning the color is white. Gold for a bride in her wedding gown and red to call enchantment down. White silk when our bodies burn, blue banners when the lost return. Flame for the birth of a nephilim and to wash away our sins. Great for knowledge best untold and Bone for those who don't grow old. Saffron lights the victory march. Green will mend our broken hearts. Silver for the demon towers and bronze to summon wicked powers."They all smile, a Silent Brother then comes in. 'Jace Herondale.' I hear his voice in my head. 'You have served the nephilim greatly in your long life, and so did your wife, Clary Herondale. You will soon join her, for death does not separate you two.' I lean my head further into the pillow, I will soon be reunited with Clary. "We all love you dad." They all say: "I love you all more." I say. Then all I see is white and a blurry figure walks to me. " Clary." I smile and close my eyes.

Clary's POV

I walk up to Jace's body and wait for him to wake up. I study the way the wind rips through his golden hair. All of the sudden he springs up in a panic. He looks over to me and gasps, "Clary? Clary is that really you?" He whispers, I nod while tears stream down my face. We are both in our younger bodies that we had when we got married. "Clary!" He shouts smiling, we stand up and he picks me up and swings me around and we both laugh. "Mom?" I turn and see my daughter. "Mom?" Jace repeats. I look over at Jace and nod, "Jace. This is our daughter, Rosealine. Hope's twin that died while birth." Rose had grown into a teenager and will stay young for the rest of time. "Mom. Is this him?" I nod and Rose makes her way up to Jace, "Dad." She chokes out, crying. Jace engulfs her in a hug and she hugs back. I move over to them and join the hug. We pull away after a while, "So, what do we do now?" Jace asks, I turn toward the Herondale manor, our home. "Well, Jace." I turn to him and Rose, "We live the rest of eternity together, as a huge Herondale family. And we will wait for every other Herondale in the future to come here. Also, Jace every other Herondale from the past is here and I think you will get along perfectly with Will." I then walk inside with Jace and Rose. The bang of the front door signals its closing, like a book after its final page.

The End

Thank you to everyone that has read this book! And yes I know it was a sad ending , and I am telling you that I cried while writing this chapter. I hope you loved this story and if you like this story make sure to check my other books about too.

P.S. to Jemma fans. I will be writing a Jemma book sometime later on. I have everything written down in a notebook and will get it posted after I finish my current book.
Bye, Angels!😘

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