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Jace's POV

After training I walk up to Clary but she looked rushed. "Hey Clary what are you doing?" She looks at me and says "I got a text from the London institute and they need our help with a demon that they can't kill." I nod and go grab my blades and gear. When I get back Clary and her family are waiting by a portal. "Come on Jace." I hear Jocelyn call to me before she steps into the portal then Johnathan goes in then Valentine, Clary comes up to me and grabs my hand and we walk through the portal together.

When we arrive at the London institute the first thing I notice is the smell. It smells like sulfur and fire. Out of no where the doors open and a girl and boy come out about 13 I would say and come up to us. "Hello. My name is Emma Carstairs and this is my best friend Julian Blackthorn. We are in charge of this institute temporarily while our uncle Arthur is in Alicante for a clave and council meeting. And no need for introductions, we know who you are, I mean you are some of the most highly trained shadowhunters in the world. Follow me please." She then turn and walks into the institute and I cannot help but notice how that Julian guy looks at Emma while he thinks no one is looking. I also noticed a weapon on Emma's back and I recognized it instantly it is the blade Cortana.

After we settle in we go to the library where everyone is waiting. The boy Julian then announces "Yet again we have no time for introducing each other. So we have a demon problem, there is a demon here in London that can turn a person into a demon within seconds of drinking their blood. We have found this demon but yet we cannot find out how to kill it. We tried stabbing it everywhere but we have yet to discovered it's weak spot. But right when we were going to try electrum the demon slashed out at Emma and I am NOT going to put her life on the line." Emma even seemed astonished by his last sentence and his tone. Clary looks at Julian and says " Take me to the demon." I actually agree with Julian about what he said about Emma, if the demon almost got to Emma, I am not going to risk my the love of my life's life for a demon she means too much. So I need to ask her soon so she won't get herself killed, before either of us die we need children and I would like to see our young grandchildren (because shadowhunters don't live that long.) but we still need to be married and love each other like I will always love Clary and how I hope she loves me the same too.

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