';Part Eighteen - It Must Be Love

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Hey guys!

So first up, I'm really, really sorry! Wattpad deleted the other half of the chapter so it stopped mid-sentence. I don't know why, when I first uploaded it was all there but obviously not! Hope you enjoy the FULL version, and I hope this posts okay!

B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

Today was an important day for two reasons.

Number One: Today, my mother Kimberley Rae Alonso (née Scott) and my father Riccardo Carlosito Alonso celebrated 20 years of marriage.

Number Two: Today was my senior prom.

I had my hair in rollers and a bag full of things reading for an intense day of pampering at Casey's house.

I came downstairs to find Mom and Dad snuggled up on the sofa, her head in the crook of his neck, a romantic tune tinkling out of the stereo.

Somehow, I wasn't irritated by their affections today. Not a lot of people could say that they had been married for 20 years and those who could weren't as in love as my Mom and Dad.

"Good morning guys. Happy Anniversary!" I smiled

They both turned their heads smiling like idiots, "Thank you." They chirped

"I got you something." I held out the small rectangular present.

Mom gasped, "Oh Ri..."

"That's sweet of you Princess; you shouldn't have, even if it is my money that paid for it!" Dad smiled getting up, "Come on, let's go to the kitchen and get something to eat. I'm starving."

Mom poked Dad in the stomach, "You always are."

"Hey! You should be used to me after 20 years. I'm always on my feet, I need sustenance." Dad protested.

Mom rolled her eyes affectionately.

We all sat down at the breakfast bar and I handed over the present that I had wrapped myself.

Mom smiled, un-wrapping it carefully. She gasped, tears filling her eyes, "Oh Cherri, this is beautiful!"

I thought so too. It was a beautiful ivory picture frame, decorated in little ivory flowers. I had slid a picture of Mom and Dad on the day of their engagement inside that I had picked from the family album. Mom looked absolutely beautiful in that gold dress, that I would have given anything to be in and she wore red lipstick which I wondered why she didn't wear anymore. Dad looked handsome, yeah, but Mom looked flawless, beautiful, amazing.

Dad pressed his lips to Mom's and smiled.

It was really nice to see them together. Happy. In love. Perfect.

"Presents." Dad smiled, clapping his hands together.

"Rick, I thought we agreed no presents this year?!" Mom whined

"Did you get me one?" he questioned

Mom looked down, "Kind of..."

"Exactly." Dad smiled

Dad presented Mom with an elaborate bunch of red and white roses, "The rest of your present is later this evening."

Mom raised her eyebrows expressively and I gagged.

"It's not what you think..." Dad replied, "Unless..." his tongue dipped into Mom's ear as he whispered.

Mom laughed, "Yes."

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