';Part Sixteen - Arron

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Hey guys,

Here's the next chapter. Arron's 18th. I know that it was Cherri's 18th last chapter but this just came into my head.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Please vote, comment or like if you enjoyed this chapter! I enjoyed writing it! :)

B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

"So...you know it's Arron's 18th birthday party tonight... we are totally going right?" she flopped onto my bed.

I laughed, "Yeah of course we're going Case. He's your boyfriend after all."

"He is NOT!" she protested, pouting

I rolled my eyes, exasperated at this stubborn girl, "He totally is! And you obviously have the hots for him, it's so damn obvious Case, you seriously need to admit it."

She blushed, "The s*x is amazing, don't get me wrong, he's a great f**k and all, best I've ever had, it's just... I want him for him, you know? He's a player and I hate that he can get to me like this! It's totally unfair!"

"Are you in love with him?" I asked

She hung her head.


She nodded, biting her lip, "But he doesn't feel the same, I just know it..."

"Of course he does! Case, he loves you, I can see it. It's just his personality, you know. He wants to maintain his tough guy image, but be with you at the same time and because of his persona, he plays hard to get."

She let out a breath, "You really think so?"

I nodded, "Trust me Case."

Her whole face lit up, "Right then, we are SO going shopping for something for you to wear tonight!"

"Uh-uh, no way Case, I'll just pick out something from my closet..."

"No arguments! We are going shopping and we are going shopping now! Or do you want me to drag you?"

I sighed, giving up. You can never win with Casey.

Two hours later, we had just finished eating a very "healthy" lunch of chilli cheese dogs and fries that Casey insisted on having because they were her favourite. I'll admit they're nice, but I'd rather just grab a pizza or something.

We had circled the entire bottom two floors and now we made our way up in the elevator to the last floor.

Oh God, please let us find something so we can go home!

She pulled me towards a cute little fashion boutique dragging me through the store.

"Oh. My. God! This will look totally hot on you!"

She held up the hanger and I groaned.

The dress was short, tight and black with a cascading neckline that would probably dip into my cleavage.

"Case! No! This is too small anyway!" I looked at the tag

She laughed, "Yeah right! Don't try and fool me, you're so obviously a 2."

"Well it's too expensive then." I lied through my teeth

She raised an eyebrow incredulously, "Your Dad is a damn millionaire! No scratch that, BILLIONAIRE."

I went to open my mouth in protest and she made a zipping gesture with her hand, "You are trying this on Cherri."

I let out a breath and grabbed the hanger, walking into the changing room and locking the door behind me.

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