';Part Twenty Four - Drake

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Drama begins... again!


B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

I woke in the morning with a splitting headache.

Yeah, definitely too much to drink.

Memories of last night came whirring into my brain in a fuzz. Something about Arron running down the street naked, singing Total Eclipse of The Heart on karaoke and Taylor drinking so much he actually wet himself.

I chuckled at the blurred memories, then winced as another pounding hit my head.

I doubled over, clutching my dresser to steady myself. Honestly, I really wasn’t trusting my legs right now.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I resembled a panda that had just been on an all-night rampage. My eye makeup was extremely smudged and I had an half moon indentation on my bottom lip, probably from sucking on the bottle for too long.

I scrambled for the box of paracetamol on the side of my drawer and did my best to make my face half decent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a shiny metallic object hanging from the side of my jewellery stand.

Reaching over, I unhooked it, bringing it closer to discover that it was a necklace.

Nathan Ryan Drake

Oh God, this was Nate’s dog tag that he had given me! I had to return this! Jake would go mad if he knew that I still had some kind of tie to Nate!

I left it by the side of my mirror as I went to get a quick shower.

I returned about 20 minutes later, now dressed casually in a black vest top and a black skirt. I customised the outfit with my charm bracelet from Jake, my black Vans and of course Jake’s promise ring. I couldn’t go anywhere without it.

I grabbed the dog tag, stuffing it into my pocket and heading downstairs.

Heading into the kitchen, I took the butter from the fridge. I put the slice of bread into the toaster and danced wildly along to the radio that was blaring in the background.

I stuffed the slice into my mouth, chewing as I danced crazily, waving my limbs about.

Looking up, I saw Dad leaning against the kitchen counter, his arms folded and a smirk on his face.

I choked on the toast and the buttered slice flew across the kitchen floor.

“You sure you want to major in Law and not Dance?” Dad smirked

I scowled at him, picking up the toast from the floor.

“I didn’t know you were standing there.”

“Evidentemente.” He laughed. Evidently.

“Vete.” I frowned. Go away.

“¿Que es una manera de tratar a su padre?” Is that a way to treat your father?

“Vete.” I repeated

“Con placer.” With pleasure.

He gave me his cheesiest grin before stalking off.

Grr! I really don’t understand my dad sometimes!

I cleaned up the toast and made myself some cereal instead.

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