Gonna be in space

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Chapter 13

Shooty Mc. Face


My name is Esmeralda Ridge, I'm nine years old, and l bet you think my brother is dead.

After Alice saved us from falling to our deaths, she showed us around the ship. It wasn't very fast, but, man was it huge. It had a parlor, ten bedrooms, and a fully stocked and functional kitchen.

We sat in the parlor, which had the same layout as normal empire ship, but instead of being white like every single thing the empire owned, it was purple, and had writing and hand prints all over the walls. The only furniture it had was two dark blue chairs, a gray couch, and a black rug.

“Hey, uh, so is Aiden... you know?" Alex finally spoke up

“Oh, yeah. That" Alice scratched her head. “Es?"

I stood up, walked to the center of the room, and placed my water skin on the floor.

“What are you...?" Alex trailed off.

I stomped on it, splashing the water all over the floor. The water began to whirlpoolin the center of the room. It ended up in a six foot tall spiral which promptly fell, revealing by brother.

“Well, THAT was fun" Aiden said, brushing off the black tunic, and loose brown pants he reappeared in. Alex stared at Aiden, his mouth hanging open.

“You should close your mouth" Aiden smirked “bugs could nest."

“Can I do that?!" Alex looked at me.

“Wanna try?!" I picked up a gun resting on the arm of the couch, and pointed it at Alex's face.


“Well?!" I cocked the gun.

“... kinda"

I fired.

“Esmeralda!" Alice yelled

Alex fell, and reverted to the form of a single candle.

“Alice, you want to do the honors?" I handed the candle to her. She blew the flame, which expanded like dragons breath, and spun into a spiral, only slightly shorter than Aiden's, and dematerialized, and Alex was standing where it once was. He stood there, staring at his hands.

“Wow. That was cool..." Alex looked at me.“But... YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SHOOT ME!"

“Oops. My bad" I tried not to laugh.

“So... shall you be off them?"Alice stood up. Alex pointed at me

“As long as she's not coming with us"

“Don't worry about her" Alice looked at me “she's staying here"

“Should be fun, two psychopaths, an air ship, and lots of guns, what could happen?"

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