Can't even think of a title

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Chapter five

Aiden's job


I led Alex into the parlor, where my fire was just about dead. But it had done its work, and I now had a kettle of herbal tea, just waiting to be consumed. My time has come. I love my job.

"So... Why am I here?" I heard my guest ask.

He had sat down at the rickety table behind me, I picked up the pot off the fire.

“ I'll tell you" I responded, pouring a cup for him "but first, tea"

Alex hesitantly took the cup from my hands and lifted it to his face.

" My sister told me to tell you-" he started

"Tea." I interrupted, and pointed to the cup.

He looked into the cup, paused for a minute, and then drank.

The tea only just passed his lips, when he collapsed.

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