They'll probably come out if the closet

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Chapter 9



Aiden grabbed my hand, along with the girl, and ran into the nearby closet. I heard a crash, then voices came barking through the halls.

“Find them, burn the place down if you have to."

“This complicates things" Aiden whispered, holding the girl close.

She was about 10, with the same dark skin tone and black hair as Aiden. She was even wearing the same blue and red robe as him.

“So whose the kid?" I couldn't help but ask.

“This is my little sister, Esmeralda" he answered hushed.

“Hi" piped up a tiny voice.

“Shhhh..." Aiden scolded.

We sat in silence for a little bit.

“There's no other way out... we're going to have to fight"

“Wait!" I nearly shouted. “I can't fight, I'll burn the building down!"

“You have to" Aiden responded “Sink or swim!" he shouted as he pushed me out of the closet.

If you haven't seen an Empire soldier, consider yourself lucky. They wear an all white, armoured uniform with gloves that make their hands seem to be nubs. The only other color is the black stripe that runs about eye level around their helmets, so you can never quite tell which way they were looking, but at this point, it was safe to say all eyes were on me.

I focused on one of the soldiers and tried to call out the fire. Nothing.

They took their weapon, which was basically a triangle which paralyzed whatever was shot with the tip, and aimed it at me.

For a minute, I thought it was all over. Sparks went flying through me, and I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw, was the soldier who traded tazered me get shot away.

Then I blacked out.

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