O3: Ghetto

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I'd really appreciate it if you guys would help me get word of this story out. As of now, its a flop lmao. But yeah: / enjoy!


You ever feel like you was missing something, but you can't put ya finger on it? Something just feel off ...or wrong, but you can't figure it out. That shit can put you deep in yo thoughts and and have you asking ya self the weirdest shit...

How much water can you fill the glass with until it overflows? How much air can you put in a balloon until it eventually pops? How much sadness does it take for a person to realize when enough is enough?

Each day filled with emotions... trudging through the valley of hopeless dreams to aspire some kind of greatness not meant for me. At the end of the day, when I recollect at night, I forget the date.. All of em look the same to me.

Don't let the money and the fame fool you; this shit is deeper than what meets the eye. It can only get you so far until it causes strife, and then you're left alone in your thoughts wondering, 'was it worth it?'

Maybe it would be worth it if I had people to share it with.. people who truly care. I haven't talked to my mother in years. Who knows how long we got left here, so why waste it holding a grudge?

She may have been wrong for putting a man before her kids, but it helped me open my eyes. If it wasn't for her kicking me out, I wouldn't have seen the streets from another point of view and realized that I ain't wanna be there my whole life. Her kicking me out made me a man. If anything, I respect her for that.

As I got off the plane and made my way through Lakefront Airport, memories slightly began to make their way through my head.

This is where I'm from... where I've seen and been through the struggle. The place where I was kicked out of the house and had to drop out of school cause I barely had clothes to put on my back. The place that at one point broke me completely. The place where I had to bury my brother. The place where you see more people lined up in a funeral home to view a body than to walk across the stage and make it out.

The thought of that kinda made me sick, but also made me think about how blessed I am.

Driving through the neighborhood and pulling up into the driveway of one of my old childhood homes that I still had family living in was a bittersweet moment. It brought back good and bad memories, but I tried to focus on the good ones.

I walked up to the door, knocking a few times, then waiting. I smiled to myself as I heard laughter and chatter erupting from the inside. The door swung open and there stood my aunt Clarice.

"Now I know this not Mr. Alsina standing right here in front of me." she said as she looked me up and down in shock, wiping her hands on a towel she had draped over her shoulder.

"Yes ma'am, it is." I was smiling harder than Lucky when he was lying about being them people's cousin. [a/n: lol poetic justice reference, duh]

"Boy get yo behind on over here and give me a hug." she stepped onto the porch and wrapped her arms around me, rocking us back and forth.

"Acting like you can't hug yo auntie! How you been boy??" she said as she took a step back, holding my shoulders as she got a good look at me, "You look like you ain't been eating not a damn thing." she shook her head in disapproval.

I chuckled, " Aunt C, now you know me and Mel could always get our grub on but stayed scrawny."

She made noise in disapproval, "And y'all got that from that damn daddy of y'alls." she shook her head as I laughed.

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