11: Benediction (Epilogue)

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{5 years later}


"What's wrong baby?" I asked, lookin' up from the tv.

"Nothin's wrong, daddy just wants you to come upstairs right now!"

I groaned, "Why can't he just come down here??"

"I can't tell you, it's classical info'mation."

"You mean classified?" I laughed.

"Uhh.. Yeah, that! Now c'mooooon mommyyyy!" Kami whined as she began pullin' on my arm.

"Okay, okay, I'm comin'." I mumbled as I followed her up the stairs. She quickly ran up them, practically jumping, as she took 2 steps at a time. What in the hell is she so hyper for?

"August, you been givin' Kami them big ass pixie sticks again?" I asked as I walked into the room.

"No." he answered quickly without makin' eye contact. I gave him a look. "Ight, I did! I'm a sucka' when it comes to my li'l girl!" he argued as Kami jumped into his arms with a wide smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile, puttin' my hands up in defense, "Okay, okay.. Just know you're gon' be the one strugglin' to make her go to bed tonight." Aug narrowed his eyes at me and I smirked, "Now, what was the purpose of botherin' me while I was watchin' tv?"

August handed me a bag, "Take yo li'l ass in da bathroom and put dis on." I gave him a curious look. "You gon find out in a minute; just go!" he rushed.

"Dang, okay.." I mumbled as I went into the bathroom. I looked in the bag and pulled out a red and orange, flower patterned sun dress. I looked at it in awe for a second before takin' a quick shower and slippin' it on.

I walked out the bathroom and neither August nor Kami were in the room.

"Babe? Kami?" I called out.

"Out here mommy!" I heard a small voice say. I followed the voice and ended up on the patio outside our bedroom. As soon as I opened the door I felt somethin' bein' placed around my neck. I looked down and it was a flowery lay the exact same colors as my dress. Looking up, I saw Kami, Aug, and Linny dressed in similar flower print attire as me, but different colors; August blue, Kami pink, and Raylin green.

"What the heck is all this?" I looked around in awe at the scenery. The patio was decorated in a beautiful Hawaiian theme; tikis, flowers-- you name it. There was even a sand box, which I knew was August's childish ass idea.

"Just a li'l somethin' me and da kids whipped up." August smiled widely.

"“li'l” somethin'? August this ain't little; it look like y'all been workin' on this for forever!" I was still gazing at everything in shock.

He shrugged, "We have been plannin' it fa' a while now."

"Oh really?" I asked, "I'm surprised a certain someone didn't tell me." I looked at Linny.

He raised his hands in defense, "Sorry mommy, daddy and Bubba threatened me." he pointed.

"Ugh Chubba, you are a snitch." Kami pouted, makin' me laugh.

My babies were the cutest thing ever and I loved them more than anything. August and I decided against learning the baby's gender because we wanted it to be a surprise. When it came time for me to give birth, we had two little surprises. It was a lot more than we had prepared for, but we were happy for the blessing.

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