O4: Get Ya Money

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The next day I decided to go visit my birth mama since I spent yesterday with aunt C and my niggas.

I pulled up in front of my childhood home and just stared. This place brought back nothing but bad memories. Struggling, fighting with my moms and step pops... finding out Mel had got popped and completely losing it in the front yard...

Did I really wanna reiterate all that bullshit? No, but I gotta try to settle this shit with my moms.

I walked up to the old, rusty gate and pushed it open as it creaked loudly. I walked up the broken up pathway and to the house I once called my own. When I reached the door I took a deep breath, preparing myself. I finally knocked on the door and waited.

"...August??" I heard my mama's voice ring out. She almost sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Yeah ma... it's me." I forced a small smile as I looked up at her. I had only been gone for 'bout 3 or 4 years, but it had been longer since I seen my moms because she kicked me out.

"What the hell you here for??" that wiped my smile away.

I chuckled bitterly, "Well damn, I figured after all these years you would wanna see yo son."

"Now Aug--"

"Who at da door?" a man's voice interrupted her.

I looked up and seen that nigga she married standing behind her. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"So after all the shit this nigga put you through you still with his ass!? He the reason Mel ain't here now!" I yelled.

"Tell me August, how exactly is it his fault!? That boy did nothin' but run these streets, and it caught up with him!" she snapped back.

"He ran these streets tryna provide fa' us because you was too busy givin' yo money to this fuckin' crack head!" I motioned towards that nigga.

"You betta watch yo mouth boy. You a grown ass man, yo mama can't save you no mo'." he smirked evilly.

"Nigga fuck you! Only reason why I ain't beat yo ass yet is because I'm scared I might kill yo weak ass."

"Oh so you gon kill me, huh? Just like that nigga did yo brotha? Is that why you so mad August?" he started to laugh, "Or are you mad because you ain't die that time you tried to kill yo self?"

"Shut the fuck up." I snapped through gritted teeth as I charged him and punched him dead in his jaw. After that I blacked out, seeing nothing but red as I swung wildly. My mama's yelling snapped me out of my daze.

"Alright August, that's enough, that's enough!!" she cried as she pulled at my shirt.

I pushed her off of me, "WHY THE FUCK YOU STEADY PROTECTING THIS NIGGA!? He the reason yo fuckin' son in the ground now! Why the fuck you keep puttin' him before yo child!?" I yelled, angry tears blurring my vision.

"August stop it! Don't try to make excuses for you and yo brother's gang bangin'! I told y'all time and time again not to --"

"What other choice did we have!? We were broke ma! You wasn't tryna do fa' us so we hustled. If you wasn't so busy tryna take care of a grown ass man, you woulda realized that bullshit a long ass time ago!"

"Watch yo damn mouth August Anthony, I'm still your mother!" she said as she put her finger in my face.

I pushed her arm away, "Would a mother kick they child to the curb even after seeing how the streets took they other child away?" she stayed quiet, "Exactly.... I ain't got no mother."

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