O8: Mama

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"Money!!!" I cried as I ran into his room flicking on the light. He looked at me with a tired and annoyed expression.

"Ryan, why the hell you bustin' in my room yellin' fo' at 3 in the mornin'!? I swea' you lucky you my baby cousin or I'a beat yo'--"

"Oh my God Money, don't nobody got time fa' yo bitchin' right now! Something bad might be finna happen to August!"

He rolled his eyes and turned away from me, "Why the hell you wor'ed 'bout dat bitch ass nigga?? He ain't shit."

"Money you don't even know the whole story, okay? August was supposed to be yo' homeboy, why you switchin' up on him now??"

"He played you, Ryan! That nigga fucked, got you knocked up, then dipped! I told yo ass not to fuck with him anyway!" he yelled.

"M I'm grown, you can't control every damn thing I do! And he didn't just get me pregnant and leave, I never told him!" I stopped and thought for a second, "Oh my God..." I gasped.

"What?" M asked, looking at me weirdly.

"It's my fault... August out there doin' some shit that's gon get him killed because of me!" I started crying hysterically.

M groaned, "Ryan, SHUT yo hormonal ass up! How could it be yo fault??"

I immediately stopped crying and looked at him, "Nuh uh rudeness!!" I rolled my eyes, "And I don't know, it made sense a minute ago." I shrugged. Ain't even that far along and these hormones ain't no joke.

He sighed deeply and ran his hand down his face. "You was already crazy, then that nigga went knocked you up.. now I gotta deal with 2 times the crazy!" he mumbled, I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How do you even know he out doin' some crazy shit?"

"He left this note on my bed." I said, handing it to him.

He nodded and took it. He started to read until he looked back up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"On yo bed?" I nodded.

"How the hell he get in here??" I shrugged.

He shook his head and looked back down at the paper.

"That's crazy, man." I heard him mumble once he was done reading it.

"I know! I don't I even know what he mean by him bein' a sell out! This shit so fuckin' stressful." I sat on the side of M's bed, my hands covering my face as tears began to fall.

I heard him mumble something incoherent.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him as I wiped my face.

He stared at me for a second, "Ight look, when I tell you this, yo crazy ass gotta promise you not gon' go off."

My mood jumped from stressed and sad to pissed, "M, what the fuck did you do??"

"I ain't tellin' you nothin' until you promise!"

"And I ain't promisin' nothin' until you tell me!"

He thought for a second then kissed his teeth, "Dat don't e'en make no sen--"

I jumped up from the spot I was sitting in, fists clenched, "Money!"

He put his arms in front of himself in defense, cowering down, "Ryan I swear if you hit me Imma tell my moms!"

"I'm not gon hit you if you just TELL ME!"

"Ight, ight! August came ova' hea' apologizin' fa' what he did and I called him fake, a sell out, and some mo' shit along them lines then told him you was pregnant." he said quickly in one breath then flinched.

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