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"Yo Ry, you wanna hit dis?" Rayan's high ass asked as he shoved his burning blunt in my face.

I scrunched up my nose and pushed his hand away, "C'mon now Ray, get that shit out my face; you know ion smoke. That shit stinks." I waved my hand in front of my face to get rid of the odor that I at one point couldn't stand. He chuckled and shook his head.

We were chillin' at one of his friends' house-- well he was chillin', I on the other hand was extremely uncomfortable. I always hated being around his friends, given that a group of them at one point raped me.

Although Ray didn't believe me, I still loved him regardless. I mean, he was the only person I had, besides Money. He just made a very stupid choice, but he was still the same sweetheart of a brother from when we were little kids. Unfortunately, Money was off somewhere with one of his many hoes, leaving me to tag along with Ray and his friends; which was almost like being around a different person.

"Aye, y'all niggas want some' ta' drink?" his friend Korey asked as he peeked his head from out the kitchen.

"Yeah bruh, gimme somethin' strong." Ray nodded. "No thanks, I'm good." I mumbled, never taking my gaze away from the Tv.

I hear Ray kiss his teeth so I looked over at him, "Damn Ry, you so borin'! You'on smoke, drink, or neva wanna do shit," he shook his head, "you gotta loosen up babygirl."

I rolled my eyes at the words I heard all too often from him, "Well excuse the hell outta me fa' not trustin' every damn body."

"It's just a drink Ry, what's the worst that could happen??" he poked my side, causing me to break my mean mug and laugh a little, "Big bruh got you!" he said with a huge, goofy smile that I couldn't resist.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I mumbled as I playfully rolled my eyes.

Korey came into the room and handed us our drinks. I mumbled a quick 'thank you' while Ray just nodded. He quickly threw the drink back to its entirety, making a face as it burned his throat.

I sighed then took a quick swig of the drink. It didn't taste half bad so I drank a little more, the burning sensation filling my throat. A few minutes later I started to get a weird feeling.

"Damn Ry, you good babygirl??" Ray asked with a worried expression on his face.

I slowly looked up at him, "Uhh.. y-yeah. I'm just kinda... kinda tired." I said as drowsiness slowly came over me.

Korey chuckled, "Damn, you couldn't handle one drink??" he smirked. I saw Ray look over at him with skepticism.

"I'll take ha' upstairs, she can lay in my bed." he lifted me up and made his over to the stairs; I was too gone to protest. I saw Ray about to do exactly what I wanted to but the doorbell interrupted him.

"I got it." Korey said as he sat me down on the stairs and walked away.

"'Bout time you got hea' nigga, I thought yo dumb ass had fa'got." I could hear him say.

Ray got up and came over to me, "Baby sis, you good?" he asked with worry in his voice and all over his face.

"Noooo..." I groaned. I was feeling nauseous as hell.

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