First Day

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I'm on my bed in the basement of the Rift's Fortress, a small room light by a torch. I'm reading my first diary, the one my older sister gave me. I'm surprised about how was young. I think my memories has already faded from the first time I met Shin and now.

- How are your reading? - Shin ask me from the door.

- What are you doing here!? - I say surprised by him.

- I just came to check, I need to know what everyone is doing. - He stares me.

He have a long white hard, pale skin, red eyes like blood, even if he does not have blood or even a body. He is like a immortal psycho who doesn't stop to kill himself. His body is made with fragments and his blood is purple, if I can say it's blood.

- I'm still reading it. - I turn my eyes to the tablet in my hand.

- You should go meet the others, don't forget that tomorrow you are going to join a squad, I don't want more suicidals like me, even if you are immortal too.

- I know it, I'm not like the other zombies you got!

- Okay zombie, good night. - He closes the door slowly.

I stare the tablet again, trying to ready something, but I'm too tired to continue, I should sleep a little for now.

I hope it's just a nightmare.

I woke up in the darkness, the torch is has a small light, I can't see the floor. I take a step off the bed, try to stay up, I don't remember the last time I was by foot. I walk to the torch and touch the wall, it's cold. My heart is racing, I touch my chest, I feel hungry and thirsty too. I need to get out of here, but not with those rags. I can't see any closet in here, I have no choice.

I open the door slowly, the whole corridor have torches more lighted than mine. I follow the path, step-by-step. I need to stay awake, don't matter how weak my body is, I can't fall. Not now!

I keep walking until a huge room with a big table, it's empty, I don't know exactly where I am, but probably I'm close to the kitchen. I can smell something tasty, I follow the smell to a room close, there is someone cooking.

A woman with blonde hair, she has a purple armor and an apron. She is with her backs to me, probably she didn't notice me.

- Hey! - I shout at her and she turns to me.

- Who are you? - She ask, I can see her blue eyes staring me.

- I need... - I try to walk towards her, but the smell makes me feel weak and I started to fall.

She run towards me and hold me in her arms.

- You look weak. - She stares me sadly and sit me on the ground. She stretches her arm to a drawer and take a bread. - Here, eat this.

I take the bread and start to eat like an animal, I feel better each bite I give. She hands me a cup and I take it, it's filled with juice, I drink it fast and finish the bread.

- Thank you. - I say tired.

- Are you feeling better? - She asks smiling.

- Yeah. - I smile back. - What is your name?

- My name is Elizabeth, and your is?

- Mine is Hydra. What was you doing here?

- Oh, I like to cook at night, even if I don't eat what I cook, it's fun. Oh, do you want to eat?

- Yeah. - I say a bit shy.

She take a spoon with something brown and give to me.

- What is it?

Hydra - The Army of Undead Wielders - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now