*Monday morning*
•Daniella's POV•
My alarm goes off and I smack it as always. I get up and throw on some black high waisted shorts with a white crop top that had a colorful palm tree on it. I straighten my hair and take a little piece from the side. I twist it and pin it to the side. I brush my teeth and put my contacts on. Then I put on some light makeup. I go to Tara's room and knock on the door. "Come in" she says. I walk in and she is sitting on her desk chair, she is on her phone looking all pretty like always, and she is ready. She was wearing a white tank top and some black shorts. "you wanna go down by the lake?"I ask. "Sure lets go eat breakfast first, then we finish unpacking everything, and then we could go to the lake." Tara says smirking. We go down stairs and just grab a bagel and orange juice. We take it upstairs and just eat it while unpacking. Damn! I have about 8 boxes to unpack. I unpack everything quickly and put it where I want it to be. I put all my clothes in my drawers or my closet. The good thing is that the big furniture is already set up. I turn on the tv while I start folding and hanging my clothes and put it on the closet/drawers. I did it super fast! I just need about 2 boxes. I finish unpacking them and look around to make sure there's nothing left. My room is super clean and organized. I loved it! I go to Tara's room and open the door. I see that she still needs 2 more boxes. "Tell me when you are done so we can go to the lake" I say as I close her door. I go to my room and just lay in bed. I grab my phone and face time Em for a bit. I miss her so much already! I tell her how it's going on over here. She tells me that she needs to hang up because she has volleyball practice. I miss my volleyball team. I was captain and setter and I just loved it! She hangs up and I just look at my room. "It's so beautiful!" I say to myself. "Daniella I'm done! Now let's go to the lake!" My mom and dad were finishing unpacking everything else. "We are going out to the lake" I yell out while opening the front door. "Okay girls be safe!" Says my mom. We start walking to the lake. It wasn't that far, it was just about 3 minutes away from our house. When we get there, we stop by the entrance. "Hello girls, I haven't seen you around here are you new?" Says the police man watching over the entrance of the lake. "Hi, and Yes we are." Says Tara giving him a nice smile. "Well, I hope you guys are enjoying it here. Oh! And welcome to the neighborhood." He says. He was really nice. "Thank you!" We say. We go to the little swing set for a bit, and we decide to get close to the lake.when we get closer I see a boat full of girls. When we walk over, I see a boy walking by us, who looks like Tara's age. He has brunette hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.
•Tara's POV•
When me and Daniella were getting closer to the lake, I saw a boy walking the opposite way. I have to say, he was pretty hot. And he kind of looked like my age. AND, he has blue eyes! That is so attractive! I really hope I get to see him more, or get to talk to him. When he starts getting closer to us, he gave us a small smile. I notice he kind of checked me out. What does that mean? Does he think I'm pretty? I kind of start to blush. He finally passes by us and kept on walking.
•Daniella's POV•
When the boy passes by, i see Tara blushing. It was pretty funny actually.We kept on walking till we got to the lake and sat on a few big rocks. I see the boat getting closer. I see there's about 10 girls on the boat. The boat starts coming to the low surface. There is 6 girls that are about my age, and 4 girls that are about Tara's age. "Hey! We noticed you were looking at our boat. It seems like you guys want a little ride, you guys want to get on?" One of the girls say from far away. "Umm.. Sure!" Says Tara. We walk over and take off our shoes. We get our legs a little bit wet. But then we hop on the boat. "Hey," we both say. I go with the girls that look around my age. And Tara goes with the other girls."Hi! My name's Daniella," I say. They are all blonde and have green or blue eyes. Except for one. She has brunette hair and she has hazel eyes like me. They introduce themselves."My name is Lizbeth but you can call me Liz."one of the blondes says. "My name is Sophie," another blonde says."My name is Hazel," the brunette girl says smirking. It's pretty funny because she has hazel eyes and her name is Hazel. The other blonde girl's names were Katie, Jessica(but people call her Jess), and Alison(Ali). We were on the boat for about an hour. They were really nice actually. They told me that I could sit with them at lunch when I go to school. Then they started talking about hot guys. "Yeah a really hot guy was here on the boat with us. But then he left." Jess says. It must of been the guy that me and Tara saw. "Was he brunette and had blue eyes?" I ask smirking. "Yes, his name is nash. he was hanging out with my and Katie's sister and their friends a while ago." Ali says. OMG! So that's nash? That hottie that totally checked out Tara! He is so hot. And I can't believe we are going to his house on Friday to baby sit Skylynn.(no, I'm not thirsty lol I just think he is pretty hot.) but, if nash is hot than that means that his brother might be hot also! it's getting late and my mom texted me saying "come home now. It's getting late" I tell the girls that I have to get home already. I give them my number and they give me theirs. I tell Tara that we have to leave. She give her new friends her number and she tells her friends if they could take us to the low surface. we get off the boat and walk home. We get home and it smells delicious. "Ahhh what is that?" I say getting closer to the kitchen. "It's dinner made with lots of love."says my dad. "And girls, you are going to start school on Wednesday." Says my mom while putting the food on the table. We finish eating and I go upstairs. I change and take off my contacts and make up. I'm really tired from the lake and all the unpacking. So I just go to bed. I go through Instagram a bit, and 5 minutes later I put my phone down. I slowly close my eyes, and the next thing I know, is that I'm asleep.

Cute boy and new girl
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