chapter two .

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I looked at the big bold red lettering saying "LATE" on the light bill as I shut the mailbox. Shit!!

There is no way in hell I'm letting my lights get cut off with my baby in here.

I began walking back to my apartment. As I shuffled through all of the mail, I heard a few little boys and even grown men whistling at me but of course it didn't bother me because this was a daily routine for them.

I walked up the creaky stairs and went inside my apartment, locking my door. Meagan laid on the run down sofa, eating cereal and watching cartoons with Kylie.

"Look mommy! He ran into the door!" Kylie giggling, pointing at the tv.

I looked up at the tv and those two, laughing their hearts out. I nodded my head and laughed as well because it wasn't even that funny but they were close to tears over it.

"I see baby."

I took a seat at the old wooden kitchen table and began going through the mail again. The cable bill was $150, rent was already paid since last week and this damn light bill was overdue.

I sighed, getting up from the table to go into the room where my stash was. I grabbed the large shoebox from the closet and began counting out the money in my head.

I had $456 and a few quarters in change. I began doing the math in my head, leaving me with only $96 left after the cable and lightbill were taken out.

I didn't care though. Long as I had food in the fridge for us and the bills were caught up, I knew I'd make the money back in no time with bartending every night straight. No days off.


Once I came from the store from loading cash on my card and paying the bills that were due, I grabbed a Smirnoff from the fridge and joined Megz and Ky on the couch with watching their saturday morning cartoons.

I've been gone for the past two hours and these two were still in the same spot.

Meagan stays next door to me. Well, I guess you can say she pays bills in her place for nothing because she's literally ALWAYS over here at my house.

The only time she goes to her place is when her bitch of a girlfriend Destiny comes over. I can not stand her. She's always down Megz throat about other girls, even me.

Meagan met Destiny around the time we graduated high school. She just KNEW she was the one but I always told Meagan that she's not. Any time a bitch doesn't like your best friend, she ain't the one.

She always thought that we were 'more than best friends' even when I told her that we never looked at her in that way. She kept playing with me and I beat her ass last year.

Did that stop her from playing with me? Sure did! She even speaks to Kylie now and you know I don't play about my baby. I don't care if she don't speak to me, just respect me when you see me and respect my kid.

"You ready for tonight, Nic?" Meagan asked.

"What's tonight?" I asked, looking at her.

Meagan rolled her eyes and laughed, picking up her phone and going through it. She showed me a flyer of this bachelor party that was being hosted tonight down at Cash&Ass .

"You know it's going to be really packed and a whole lot of people are going to be coming to the bar spending money." She said, excitedly "And of course the stage."

"Oh yes! I did forget about that." I said, running my fingers through Kylie's soft curls.

Atleast I get to make back the money that I just spent on bills.

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