chapter four .

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I looked down to my chest to see Kylie asleep. It's been a few hours since we've been at the hospital with Nana.

"Go get you something from the cafeteria, I'll stay with Ky and Nana, Nic." Meagan said, standing up.

I looked from her, Nana and Kylie. I was scared to move incase Nana did wake up. I didn't want to miss it.

Meagan nodded her head and I sighed, getting up from my chair with Kylie. I walked around the bed and laid her down on the little sofa bed that they had in Nana's room. I grabbed my baby's My Little Pony blanket and her favorite pillow from her bag and got her situated and comfortable.

I grabbed her face gently and smiled, seeing how beautiful and peaceful she was as she slept. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and snapped her with a few snap filters. I examined the photos and laughed to myself a little. This is what I lived for, this beautiful, little, almost 4 years old, sweet faced little girl.

 This is what I lived for, this beautiful, little, almost 4 years old, sweet faced little girl

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I let go of her face and leaned down, kissing her cheek as I brushed her curls from her face.

"Do you want anything, Megz?" I asked, gathering my purse and wallet.

"A coffee and a muffin, blueberry please." She said, typing away on her phone.

I nodded my head and quietly slipped out of the room, closing the door. I headed towards the elevator, hitting the down button.

After two stops, I hit the first floor. I walked into the big cafeteria and bumped into someone, making their food drop.

"Oh my god! I'm so s-" I started to say but stopped.

"It's okay." He said, picking up the styrofoam plate.

It was him. The man from the bar who tipped me a big bill. His tattoos were showing as he picked up the food with napkins.

Once most of the food was up, we both stood up, dusting off our clothes.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your following me." I said, laughing lightly.

He dumped the tray and placed it on top of the trash can, laughing a little.

"Nah. Not at all." He said, looking at me.

For a second I could feel his eyes piercing through my soul the way he looked at me. I shook my head, looking down as I pulled a few lose strings of hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his sweatpants pockets.

We started to walk through the cafeteria.

"My nana's here. She had a stroke." I said, clearing my throat "You?"

"My daughter has a cold and her mom hasn't been taking good care of her so I brought her here to get checked out." He explained "Making sure it's not pneumonia or anything."

I nodded my head, understanding. It's nice to hear a man taking care of his responsibility, not a lot of men are willing to step up.

"I'll say a prayer for her." I smiled, letting my deep dimples show in each of my cheeks.

"How old is she?" I asked, walking through the cafeteria.

"4." Anthony said, smiling "And sassy as hell."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, thinking about Kylie and her little temper tantrums sometimes.

"Yours? Psh! My kid and her sass is beyond crazy." I laughed, looking at the men prepare sushi.

Anthony laughed as he picked up an apple and tossed it into the air a few times before biting into it.

"And how old is little lady?" He asked.

"3, she'll be 4 February."

As we walked through the cafe and continued to talk, I picked up a spicy tuna roll, a blueberry muffin, apple jacks for my princess, some beverages and a few other things.

Anthony also got a few things for his daughter and mom who were up in the room.

I started walking in front of him to the register. I sat everything on the small counter space and proceeded to get my wallet from my purse.

"I got it." Anthony stepped from behind me, holding out his card, ready to swipe it.

"No I-"

"Nicole, I got it." He smiled, swiping his card.

The lady placed all of our items in two separate bags and handed Anthony his receipt. We walked out of the cafeteria and towards the elevators.

"Thank you." I said, pressing the button.

"No problem." He said, smiling at me.


I cut Kylie's blueberry muffin into small pieces and gave her the sipping cup that contained orange juice.

"Mommy, Nana is going to be okay?" She asked, stuffing muffin into her mouth.

"Yes baby." I smiled at her, taking a piece of her muffin for myself.

"She wants us to be strong while she's sleeping, KyKy." Meagan chimed in, eating her dry froot loops.

Kylie nodded her head as she looked at a heavily sedated, Nana. You could tell on her little face that she was worried and scared. Meagan, Me, Nana & what use to be her dad are all that she knows.

"You and Nana are going to go back to your tea parties real soon princess." I said, kissing her forehead.

Soon as I said that, her face softened. Looking at my daughter, I saw so much of her dad. His eyes, his nose, his fingers. She was the splitting image of his ass.

I rubbed my fingers through her curly hair and rubbed her chin. I laid back on the sofa bed and shut my eyes. I was exhausted. I've been up all night.


im sorry this chapter is sort of short & suckish 😕 .

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