chapter thirteen .

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"Y'all go ahead and eat, I'll go see who's at the door." Crystal said, standing up from her chair.

Everyone hesitated but began to grab each of their favorite meals, piling the food onto their plates. Crystal came back and tapped me on my shoulder, making me look up at her.

"Someone's at the door for you honey." She whispered.

I clashed my eyebrows and nodded, looking at Anthony.

Nobody knows I'm here.

"Excuse me."

I stood up, making my way to the front. I opened the door and there stood a man, holding papers.

"Nicole Hill?"

"Yes, that's me." I stated, looking at him.

"You've been served, Happy Thanksgiving." He handed me the papers and walked away.

I closed the door and unfolded the papers, scanning them. Kyle is fighting for full custody of Kylie.

"Baby, who was that?"

I looked up to see Anthony. I had no words. My heart sunk as I tried to hold back my tears.

"H..He's trying to take my baby.." I choked out, looking at him.


I handed him the papers to him and he looked at them. Hearing him sigh, I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Come here." Anthony pulled me into his chest & kissed the top of my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"That nigga not gettin' shit. Ima handle it baby."

"I ca-an't lose my baby. She's my world."

The tears just wouldn't stop flowing at all. I gripped onto Anthony tighter and placed my head into his chest. Kylie was my everything to me. She's the reason I wake up every morning, she's the reason I go to that shitty ass strip club and bartend every night, she's the reason I want to move her to a better place. He can't take her away from me.


"I'm sorry I took so long, I was thanking your mom for keeping the girls again." I said as I walked into Anthony's bedroom, closing the door.

"That lady loves kids, you know she doesn't mind & Kylie is an angel." He said, looking at me "Come here."

He sat on the bed, shirtless. I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap, kissing my forehead.

"He is not going to take her baby." He assured me.

My heart sunk each time I thought about it. I looked down at my shaking fingers, exhaling. Anthony tapped my leg gently and I stood up.

"I ran you a bath."

He led me into the bathroom where the lights were dim and there was a hot bubble bath with wine and candles surrounding the tub. My face softened causing my dimples to show.

"Baby.." I said, looking up at him.

"I wanted to. You get in and relax. I don't want you worrying about anything." He said, unzipping my dress.

"I'll be in the bedroom."

He kissed my forehead and turned to walk away. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

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