Emily's POV

I felt my phone buzz in my lap while I was driving to my new apartment, which is in Los Angeles.

(She was driving from the airport to her new apartment)

I didn't want to look at it so I wanted till I got to the apartment.

I was driving up the drive way when my phone buzzed again. I turned the car off and grabbed my phone and looked at it.

Aaron- You have been invited to a crazy fun pool party on Saturday it starts at 6:00 and ends anytime around 10:00 or 11:00

Aaron- Hope u can come😁

I was so confused at first because I didn't know any Aaron. Then I decided to text back.

Emily- Ummm I think u have the wrong #

Aaron- Ur not Emily Rose

I waited two minutes so I don't seem needy.

Emily- Yeah I'm Emily Rose

Emily- Who r u?

Aaron- Aaron u don't remember meeting me and the guys

Aaron- We heard u were moving down to LA

Emily- Aaron who

Emily- I don't remember meeting u or the guys

Emily- I'm so confused

Aaron- Aaron Doh

I looked at what he has said. "Oh my f**king god" I said to myself as I walked into my new apartment. I couldn't believe that Aaron was texting me, how did he find out I was moving down here? I thought to myself then decided to text back.

Emily- Ohhh I remember meeting u know

Emily- How did u find out I was moving here

Aaron- That I can not tell u he doesn't want u to know he knows ;)

Emily- It's a guy

Aaron- Yeah but that's all I can say sry

Emily- Why would u want me to go ur party I'm just another one of ur fans

Aaron- Idk they all asked me to ask u to come

Aarom- I guess they like u 😂

Emily- I guess they do😁

Aaron- Will u at least think about going

Emily- I'll go

Aaron- Wow ur actually going to go

Emily- Yeah I have nothing else to do

Aaron- Well maybe me and the guys could help u with ur new apartment Sam and Colby used to live in those apartments so they could show u around ;)

Aaron- ( Colby)

Emily- ?

Emily- Why did u say Colby

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