he said while showing me the post on Jake's Instagram, when we went to the movies " oh.....what about it" I said while looking at my hands " I don't think you should be hanging out with them" Mikey said " What....why" I said looking at them confused " they just doesn't seem like the best person for you" he said, I just looked at him in shock and confusion " Look I understand you are trying to protecting me because you love me but they is my family, all of them are my family.. and you can't just show up out of the blue and say I can't be with them" I said while looking a little angry " Emily they aren't good for you they attract all of this drama there famous and they aren't the brightest kids" Mikey said " MIKEY ( I don't now his middle name sry) MANFS.. I'M 19 YEARS OLD I CAN DO THING ON MY OWN NOW, YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME I LOVE THEM, THEY TOOK ME IN WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID AND YOU ARE MOST DEFIANTLY NOT GOING TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" I said " EMILY KRYSTAN MANFS YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" he said, Jake ( Dufner) pulled him away " NO no Mikey I can and I will.. if this is how you are going to act... call me when you get your sh*t start and start trusting me" I said while I ran out of the restaurant.

I grabbed my phone and called Jake.

M: Jake please come get me I'm at tender greens please hurry

J: yeah why what's up are you okay

M: I just want to go home ( while a tear ran down her face)

J: okay I will be there as soon as possible

M: please Jake I love you

J: it's going to be okay I love you to

I smiled and then hung up. I waited for about five minutes until I saw Jake's car pull up. i quickly opened the passengers side and got in before Mikey or Jake ( Dufner) realized I was leaving. I just cried " M what happened" Jake asked worriedly " Mikey said that he didn't want me hang out with you guys anymore" I said while hiding my head in my arms " he thinks you guys are bad for me" I said while looking up at Jake. He just looked at me " maybe he's right" Jake says as I was about to turn my head to the window, I quickly turned my head to look at him " what do you mean" I said confused while a tear ran down my cheek " maybe Mikey is right we are YouTubers it's a lot to deal with, there's going to be hate and drama all the time.. and you are going to have to go threw it all' Jake said " Your joking Jake... p please tell me your joking" I said while looking into his eyes " just think about it" he asked " No No I will not think about it.. I I don't need to think about it... I love you guys so much and I'm not just going to leave just because my brother is dump and says that you guys are bad for me.. it's not true Jake, You guys are the only people who makes me happy. I don't care what people say about you guys I'm not leaving, you guys are my only family.. and family stick to gather no matter what happens, Jake I'm not leaving" I said while looking at him. He was just looking at me with a smile " what" I said while smiling " I have an idea" he said while grabbing his phone and face times Colby.

Jake's POV

J: hey Colby where is everyone

Colbs: there right here why ( shows Jake everyone)

Dev- hey

Kat- what up

Sam- hey J

C- what's up my dude

Elty- hello

Aaron- what is up

J: We are going on a road trip you guys down trip

Colbs: really yeah i'm down

Colby: you guys down to go on a road trip ( asked everyone at the house)

everyone- YESSSSSSS

They all scream into the phone. I laughed and looked at M, who was also smiling. " When are we going" she asked while her smile got bigger "In 2 weeks" I said " Where are we going" I asked "Let's go find out" I said while walking to my room and M following me. We sat down and went on my computer and started looking for places to go. 

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