Gabby's POV

Jake got me a car, I couldn't believe it. " Yeah do you like it because we can return.." I interrupted him by kissing him "Thank you..Jake thank you so much" I said while I hugged him. He was surprised, but hugged me back, I smiled " your welcome Gabs" he whispered in my ear, by then everyone was screaming in happiness.

" You guys are so adorable" Devyn said while her and M started giggling " I new you guys would end up together" Katrina said while he went up to Sam and hugged him. I smiled at everyone "So are we going to drive it or what" Elton said while he started walking up to the jeep. " Dude we won't all fit in there" Corey said a little worried " We will figure it out.. people will just have to sit on people" Elton said while looking at everyone " Well lets get in" Aaron said while looking at everyone and smiling. I laughed and ran to the car and got in the drivers seat.

Jake sat on top of Elton next to me, M sat on Colby behind me, Katrina sat on Sam next to M and Colby, Devyn sat on Amanda behind Jake and Elton, Aaron and Corey sat in the back. I started to drive.

We stopped at the pier, everyone got out and we got in partners. M was with Colby, Katrina and Sam where together, Elton and Amanda insisted little Aaron to go with them, and me and Jake were together. We went our separate ways.

Me and Jake went to go ride the roller coaster first.

Aaron's POV

Elton told me and Amanda we were going to go walk on the beach, but I know there is going to be a twist when we get down there.

We where walking down the stairs when Elton stopped us. " WHO IS READY TO GET SOME GIRLS" he screamed, Amanda looked at me and Elton " okay babe not you... Just me and Aaron gettin the girls if that's okay with you Amanda" Elton looked at Amanda " it's for a video please" he begged, she smiled and let a little laughed come put " whatever you want to do honey" she said while messing with his hair " thank you" he said while kissing her cheek.

Colb's POV

Me and M where just walking to Venice beach. Yes I know, we don't have to be there right now.That's the only place M hasn't gone to, so I thought why not just go hang over there. It was a little walk, but we ended up renting bikes, so it would be quicker.

 It was a little walk, but we ended up renting bikes, so it would be quicker

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(M's bike ^^^)

(M's bike ^^^)

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