We walked into Chipotle and sat with the rest of the group.

We picked out what we wanted and Elton payed for it. We all sat down and ate. It was very quiet at fist but Aaron broke the silent " WHY THE FUCK ARE U GUYS SO QUIET" He screamed and everyone in Chipotle looked at us.

Doh's POV

It was really quit and I could handle it. So I screamed, everyone started laughing. And I just stood there on top if the table. " Aaron common get off the table" M said I just looked at her and smiled and danced to the music that was playing.

Colbs POV

Everyone was talking and I decided to go back to the car and warm it up. Emily followed me. Me and Emily have gotten really close, even though we just met today. She sat in the passenger seat and put on the radio. We talked and listen to the music.

20 minutes later, everyone came running outside to the car. "Hey guys" Emily said as we rolled down our windows " we got kicked out" Corey said as they all looked at the ground in shame. Me and m just started laughing, " How" I asked " Well you see we were all just sitting there then COREY got bored so he started to put food in Sam hair and then Sam put food in his hair, then we started throwing food a d here we are know" Elton says with a half smile.


" Wow um okay we can go back to my place or we could go to your guys place, which ever you guys want to do" I said as I walked to my car. With Colby, Aaron, and Sam following behind me. "Just text me what will happen" I said to Corey and we got into our cars and drove off.

Ten minutes later I got a text from Elton .

Elty- Hey we have decided where we are going

M- K where

Elty- Can we go to our place

M- Yeah sure

Elty- K cool see ya there

M- K see ya there

I turned my phone off " Okay so we are going to your guys place" I said to the guys. They all looked up at me and smiled " okay" Colby finally said as everyone went back to their phones. I laughed a little at them and kept on driving.

It was about 30 minutes until we got to the house. I opened the gate and saw that Corey and Elton were need here. I parked my car and we all got out.

I walked in getting trampled by circa and navi, buddy was probably up stairs with Aaron. I sent see any of the girls, I walked over to Jake's room "Hey where did the girls go" I asked "Oh they had to go to an event" he said " Okay" I said walking out of his room. I walked back down stairs to see Colby and Sam in the kitchen talking. I didn't want to interrupt them so I walked into the game room where Corey and Aaron where playing a video game ( think of a game).

I sat next to Aaron " Hey guys" I said " Oh hey M, what you up to" Aaron asked as none of them took their faces off the tv. I smiled "Nothing just walking around" I said as I  got up and walked out of the room.

I walked past the kitchen to see Sam and Colby still talking but Sam looked worried, I thought about how rude it would be if I just busted in and started to listen to their conversation. But I did it any ways " Hey guys everything okay" I said as they both looked at me " No everything's fine M" Colby said " Oh okay I'm sorry" I said as I was walking out.

"Hey M wait up, where you going" Jake said as I was grabbing my jacket and about to walk out the door " Oh I was just going to go take a walk get to know the city, why" I asked " you going alone" he asked, I smiled " yeah, would you like to join me on my adventure" I said with a smile and a little laugh " yeah sure why not" he said while crossing his arms and walking out the door. I grabbed my phone and put on my black leather jacket and followed him out the door.

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