Colbs POV

Me, Aaron, Jake, and Sam went in the car and drove to target. " I still can't believe that max saves buddy" Aaron said " Its carzy, and you want to know something, he doesn't even know how to swim" Jake said amazed " you guys never taught him" I said " No not yet, M wanted you to teach him how to swim" Jake said " Max is a very amazing puppy, so take extra good care of him, Jake" Sam said we all looked at Jake " you to Colby your the god father" Aaron said " I know and I will always be there for that little dude" I said with a smile.

We got to target and got our of the car. We got two carts. One for food and one for a huge gate. Me and Aaron went to go look for the gate, while Jake and Sam went to go look for food. We all met up at the number 3 check out line. Well actually me and Aaron got to the line first then Sam and Jake got to the line. We payed for all of the stuff and walked back into the car. The gate went in the back with Aaron and Jake and all the food went in the truck.

We drive back home and saw that all the dogs were under the mini table in the kitchen. They were all huddled up together. Buddy was sleeping on max max was sleeping on circa and Circa was sleeping on Navi. And Navi was sleeping on max. Buddy was more in the middle of the circle.

We walked outside were everyone one was starting to set up stuff for the party. " WE GOT FOOD" Jake screamed as he dumped all the food in the table outside. Me and Jake were on grilling, Aaron's and Corey were on chips and dip, all the girls where on music and decorations, Elton and Sam were on food and candy.

We started to set up. Even thought we still had a while till the party started.

The girls thought of a theme, Hawaiian theme. Everyone liked it. The girls went out to get stuff for the decorations. They came back with loads of stuff. Eve ry one ended up helping with the decorations since there was so much. After we were done with the decorations. We all went back to our job. Me and Jake kinda helped the girls since all wanted to wait till we started making the hamburgers and hotdogs.

It was a fun time. The dogs just stayed inside th whole time. Kat, M, and Aaron would go and check on them every ten minutes.

It was 5:30 we all had finished with the house and we were just waiting for people to arrive. We all played some music and started dance in the kitchen. The dogs started dancing with us to, but you want to know something, Max never left Buddies side.

After 45 minutes of dance, we heard a knock at the door. It was the vlog squad.  We introduced them to max and told them what happen with max and buddy and how max hands left buddies side since. They all th ought it was crazy witch mad when love max even more. The dogs started inside most of the party they would sometimes come outside, but max would never leave buddy's side.

Jake's POV

Everyone left at about 12:30. Me and M where talking in the game room while Aaron and Corey where playing a video game. Colby and Sam where in the kitchen talking and Devyn and Katrina where outside playing with the dogs. Elton and Amada where cleaning up a little. We all then sat in the game room to talk.

" Do you know where Max is" M asked looking around " nope I haven't seen him" Elton said while everyone shot up and started looking for him. We found him in Colby's room laying on his bed.

" COLBY someone really made himself at home" M said as Colby and everyone else saw max laying on the bed. " I don't mind" Colby said while sitting next to max and scratching behind Max's ear. We all continued to talk and in Colby's room.

It was 12:45 and me and M where about to leave, when we heard a nosie in the garage. " ELTON" I screamed while looking t the garage. He walked in the house from the backyard " yeah what's up" he said, M looked at me confused then back at Elton " there is something in the garage I heard a nosie" M said, Elton rolled his eyes "SAMMMM GET DOWN HERE" he screamed, then everyone came running down behind Sam. "What Elton" he said looking up from his phone " go in the garage" Elton said, Sam looked at him weirdly " why" he said confused  " because you the only person in this house that play with demands and ghosts, m and Jake said they heard a nosie and I form what to go in that garage" Elton said while looking at Sam. Sam started walking towards the garage when all the power went out.

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