I walked out and grabbed my phone and sat on the bed awaiting for Colby to be done with his shower so we could go meet Brennen, we are always late to everything " HURRY UP COLBY I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE AGAIN" I said while walking out of the room

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I walked out and grabbed my phone and sat on the bed awaiting for Colby to be done with his shower so we could go meet Brennen, we are always late to everything " HURRY UP COLBY I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE AGAIN" I said while walking out of the room. I walked into Jake's room and saw a girl laying next to him. I was kinda hurt but I shock it off when I heard Colby walk behind me " finally he has a girlfriend it took him long enough" Colby said while I smiled, but it was a fake smile. I walked out of the door way and closed the door. i walked to my car key s and grabbed them and walked to the kitchen and wrote a note.

Dear Jake,

I saw you had a girl over last night I think we should talk

me and Colby and Brennen are going out for breakfast

I'll be home soon 



I put it on the fridge and walked out the door to my car with Colby following me. I got in the drivers seat " hey Colby can you drive" I asked " yeah sure" he said while looking at me worriedly. I smiled " thank you' I said while going to the passages side, he smiled and walked to the drivers side. I looked out the window as we pulled out of the drive way " M you okay" Colby asked as I looked up at him with a smile " yeah I'm good" I lied. I don't know why I was hurt, I just was. I went back to staring out the window. We pulled up to Square One Dining. I got out of the car and called Brennen.

M- hey you here

Bren- yeah I can see Colby turn around

I turned around and saw that Colby was already walking to Brennen. I hung up the phone and started walking towards the table. I sat down and Colby and Brennen where already in having a conversation, so I stayed quiet. " hey guys I'm going to the bathroom" I said standing up " wait M can we talk" Colby said while grabbing my arm " yeah sure" I said while he walked to the front of the restoration " what's up are you okay M" Colby asked " yeah I'm just not hunger right now" I lied " stop lying M, it's because of the girl isn't" he said " I don't know why it hurts, I don't have feelings for him, I swear" I said while looking up at Colby helplessly " your not joking are you, you don't have any feelings for him" Colby said while looking at me " I swear I have no feelings towards him, it's just hurt when I saw her with him, I don't know why" I said confused a little " well we don't actual know if they did anything or if they are even together" he said " I guess your right Colbs" I said while hugging him " thank you" I said while we walked back over to Brennen.

" Sorry Brennen" I just didn't feel very good" I lied while looking at Colby " oh that sucks do you just want to go home and we can hang at the house" he said " oh no I don't want to go home" I said nervously " okay well do you just want to get something small" he said " yeah sure" I said while looking at the menu. 30 minutes later a waiter walked up to us and asked us if we wanted any drinks. We order and waited about 5 minutes until she came aback with our drinks. 

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