M finally let go of my arm and is know holding the camera because Sam heard a nosie in one of the other houses and is going to check it out. "Okay so I guess Sam heard a sound in this house" she said pointing the the house Sam in walking towards " you know what this was not my idea to go here, they dragged me here I thought that I would at least be able to see Sam and Colby, but I can barely" she said " yeah okay miss clingy" I say behind her. She jumps " really Colby you scared the shot out of me" she said " sorry" I whispered as we were getting closer to the house. She grabbed me arm again but still had the camera. I tried to pull away but she just held on tighter. I smiled and looked at the camera, then lifted my arm up to show the camera how tight she was holding.

As we were walking out of the house something was through at me. I turned around and M's gripped tighten " Ow M your hurting me" I said as she looked at my red arm "OMG I'm sorry" she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

It's been 35 minutes since we left eh house, we never figured out who or what threw that thing at me, we don't even know what was thrown at me.


I was terrified, this was the first time in 20 minutes that I was not clinging to Colby. He was in the very front with the camera explaining what was happening. I was in the back with Sam.

" So how did Jake manage to get flower all over the place" he asked me. I looked up " oh well I guess he was trying g to make pancakes for a video and it got out of hand" I said while laughing. We talked more about how I'm going to deal with Jake.

We finally got to the Bethany house. I looked up from talking to San and my jaw dropped " It's huge, in the pictures it looks way smaller" I said. The boys looked at me and smiled then started walking towards it. We weren't even I side the house and Colby heard something.

Colbs POV

We were walking up to the house and I heard a door close, but I never saw a door close. I walked around to see if it was any of the doors, but they where all opened and there were no doors inside. We walked around a little more. " OMG OMG" I heard M scream then she sprinted out of the house. Me and Sam ran after her. We ran all they way back to the car without stopping. I was dying, when we finally stopped at the gate. M croweld through the whole in the gate and kept on running, we followed after her.

Sammy's POV

We do silly got to the car. M got in the car. Colby got in the front this time and I sat in the back. M would day a word " M are you okay" Colby asked but she didn't say anything she just looked start ahead. We had no way of getting home unless Elton or one of the guys where away and drove up here. " Emily Rose are you okay" I said Colby and M bother looked at me, no one has ever said her actual name we have called her M since we have known her. Even if it's only been a day, it still feels weird to say it. " I'm sorry" she whispered and looked at her hands " what happened" Colby said while we looked at her, she looked back at us. " I felt someone touch me then I saw a woman's black figure. Me and Colby both looked at her in shock. Everything she said was true. If you looked at her neck and shoulders and arms they where cover with scratch marks. Me and Colby didn't say anything because we didn't want to freak her out even more. But we probably should have.

" I just want to go home" she said as she cried into the seat. Colby grabbed his phone out from his pocket and called Elton, but he didn't answer "probably either asleep or just doesn't want to pick up" I say looking at them. Colby the calls Corey doesn't answer. We all new he was asleep because him and Devyn both said they where going to an even tommorow at like 5 in the morning, so they both said they where going to bed early.

" Call Jake" M says through tears. Colby calls Jake, on the fourth ring he picks up.

J- Hey man what's up

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