I picked up max and put him over my shoulder, he hugged me. I then grabbed everything else, or at least the things I could carry. I walked up to the arptment room and opened the door. I didn't see Sam or Kat, witch ment they weren't here yet " Hey you need some help" M asked me " yeah sure" I said as she took some bags. Then I took max and his bed into the livingroom and set him down. He just fell right back to sleep. We then went backdown stairs to get the rest of the stuff. We put it all of it in max's corner. And than we started cleaning, Sam and Kat are going to be here in 20 minutes, So we had a little time.

We just finished the rooms and bathrooms, know we have the livingroom and kitchen. M vacumed and I mopped the kitchen and whipped the table. M set the table and we then started to make dinner whitch was hamburgers.

I went out on the balcony and started to grill and M started making mash patatos, and salad, she also cut up stuff for the burgers ( The basics stuff you put in a burger). We are going to have M's lava cake with viniall ice cream for desert.

I was in the middle of grilling burger when I got a text. I closed the grill and looked at who texted me, it was Sam.

Sammy- Hey we are 2 minutes away

J- K the door is open M is in the kitchen and I'm on the balcony

J- we are have burgers and mash patatos with some type of salad

Sammy- K sounds good

J- see ya soon

Sammy- see ya soon

I turned off my phone is as thinking about telling then I had a surprise for them but my burgers where going to burn so I guess they will have to wait. "M SAM AND KATRINA ARE 2 MINTES AWAY" I screamed from.the balcony "Okay" she said laughing at how loud I was, I smiled.

5 minutes later I was done with the grill. I walked into the kitchen " Hey where's the stuff to clean the grill" I asked M, she laughed "I  think it's under the sink" she said. I looked under " thanks" I said as grabbed the stuff and walked back out to the grill. I opened it and let it cool off then I started to clean it.

I walked back into the kitchen. I heard a knock at the door. M was in her room "M SAM AND KAT ARE HERE " I said as she walked into the livingroom "OKAY" M screamed while sitting on the couch and laughing. I opened the door while laughing a little to. " Hey Jake" Sam said " Hey" Kat said while walking into the apartment.


Sam and Jake emedatly started talking, so me and Kat only thought it was far if we started talking.

"So how is living with Jake" Kat asked "Its actually really fun, besides the whole messiness thing but we are working on that" I said while we both laughed "Well that's good" Kat said "Well I have a surprise for you and Sam" I said as I got up " Well this is random bug okay" Kat said while getting Sam. I walked into my room.
(Max was moved to M's room)

"OMG" Kat screamed, max came running towards her and gave her kisses. I smiled and so did Jake, Sam looked at us shocked and then at the puppy " you guys got a puppy" he said " yep his name is Maximilian but we call him max for short" Jake said. We all played with max for a little.

We then walked into the kitchen and grabbed what we wanted then sat dowm and then we talked about how me and Jake where and what it's like living with each other.

After we were done I started making the lava cake and Jake "made" the viniall ice cream, he really just opened an ice cream contantore and put it next to my lava cake.

Sam and Kat where in the livingroom watch American horror stories with max on Kat' s lap sleeping. I then put all their plates on the coffee table. We finished and Jake cranes the dishes surprisingly.

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