sry i hate these to but im tired and dont care rn 

3 day past

Me and gabby are really close and she and Jake are "talking" but everyone nows they have feelings for each other, but they wont admit to themselves.

Me and Gabby are getting close for her ( she is going on the road trip to). We just got her suit cases.

We are going to stores and getting her stuff for the trip

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We are going to stores and getting her stuff for the trip. When we got home Jake had a surprise for gabby at the house. All I'm going to say is sadly he isn't going to confessing his feelings for her, but its big. The drive was about 20 to 30 minutes. We listened to music and talked a little.

We stopped for gas half way there and got red bulls and snacks for the house. We then got to the house and walked into the apartment. (The present is at the trap house) We said hi to Max, gabby fed him then i got his water. " Jake we are home" I said while setting max's water boll down. " Jake" gabby said while going to his room. I then heard a knock on the door. I unlocked the door and saw Mikey and Jake ( Dufner ) " What are you guys doing here" I said " We realized what you said and we come to the conclusion where we want you to e happy so you can have these people in your life" Mickey said while Jake ( Dufner ) looked inside the apartment. I stopped them from coming in. " I get it you guys feel bad and all and i am so happy you guys are letting me hang with " these people" but I would have hung out with them even if you didn't want em to they aren't just "people" to me they are my family and you have to deal with that" I said " how do you know that they won't just leave you" Jake ( Dufner) said " I don't know that.. but I trust them and I love them they where there when you guys weren't so I will take my changes with them" I said while closing the door. And walking over to me room. I lead on my bed and scrolled through Instagram for about an hour and a half. Then Jake came in my room " M it's time" he said. I got up and grabbed my shoes and we drove Jake's car because it had more room. gabby and Jake sat in the front and I sat in the back. It was a 10 minute drive. I called Colby when we where less then half way there.

I got out of the back and put in the code and then walked in the gate, Jake drove in. I walked in and saw Elton and Aaron playing with circa and buddy. I smiled then walked into the game room and saw Sam,Katrina, and Corey play games. " Hey where is Devyn" I asked " I'm right here' she said from the kitchen " Oh hey girl it's been a minute" I said " yeah it has been a while" she said while we hugged for a little bit. Then I heard the door open " Jake and Gabby are in the house the party has officially started" he yelled as he walked in. We all laughed and walked over to the door " Hey where is Colby" I asked Sam " I think he is at Brennen's but he will be back in a little bit" he said, I put on a fake smile " Okay" I said acting like I didn't care, but o be totally honest Brennen kinda scares me... and not in the scary why just in the way he acts, he always drinks and parties, I just don't want Colby to throw away what he has with all of us to go drink and party all day and night.

I love Brennen this is just what he is like in the book

We waited till Colby got home to give Gabby her present, but he was taking so long. We waited 25 minutes, I decided to text him where he was.

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