Real Men Go For Thick Girls

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I hear the doorbell ring and I immediately jump off my bed and dash through my bedroom door. After my shower I ordered pizza, Tyler went with some friends to skateboard somewhere so he left me all alone.

Thinking it was the pizza guy, I open the door to find a slender man in a black polo, black skinny jeans, and an expensive looking Rolex on his wrist.

His platinum blonde hair drips down forwards onto his forehead, his piercing blue eyes shine under the dim light from the small lamp near the couches.

This is definitely not the pizza man, a pizza man probably couldn't afford a Rolex if they're delivering pizzas for a living.

"Who are you-I've got pepper spray!" I warn, reaching for my purse on the table by the door. I'm ready to go all Kung Fu on his ass!

"Relax sweetheart, I'm Kane your brother's roommate," He says smirking proudly.

"Then why don't you have your own key?" I squint my eyes, eying him in suspicion. Surely he'd have a key, he lives here for Christ sake.

"Well your dumb*ss of a brother lost his, he begged me to lend him mines so I did. He told me he'd be here to unlock the door for me." He explains, cocking his eyebrow probably realizing Tyler had forgotten all about him.

"Well he's gone skating with his goon friends." I open the door for him letting him in. He closes the door behind him as I sit on the big comfy couch.

He chuckles and shakes his head like he's thinking of something, a bright smile painted across his good-looking face.

"So you've met his friends before?"He asks, standing in the kitchen grabbing a bowl out of one of the white cabinets.

"Yeah a few, like for example Conner. That kid's a dumb sh*t." I say, reminiscing events from the past.

I remember during Winter break last year Tyler and Conner came home for Christmas. Conner had tried to make small talk and jokes during the Christmas Eve dinner but ended up offending my parents. It was the most hilarious thing I've ever experienced.

"Yeah Conner's a little slow but he's a good guy." Kane pours milk into his bowl of cereal and grabs a spoon out of the small drawer and he walks towards me, sitting on the small sofa chair.

The door rings again and I hop in excitement. I sprint to the door and almost bend down to bless the man at the door.

"Oh my god you're my hero!" I grab the pizza from the pizza man's hands and I place it on the kitchen counter. I grab my purse and hand the man the ten dollar bill.

Closing the door, I hop back onto the couch with my pizza. I open the box and take a moment to admire the beautiful masterpiece.

"You must really like pizza." Kane says, looking at me as I begin to weirdly smell the cheesy goodness.

"I'm fat okay piss off," I hiss. I grab a slice and stuff it into my mouth biting off half of the slice.

"You aren't fat, you aren't fat at all." He replies, probably just trying to be nice but I didn't need his pity look.

"You know Kane you're funny," I say with a mouthful of dough and salsa sauce. "You should become a comedian." I snarl, sarcastically.

Kids at school always called me Ms.piggy because I'm...bigger than most girls. It's mostly around my waist but I feel like my fatness is extremely embarrassing. My insecurities have been the ultimate reason why I've never had a boyfriend. So now, I'll just flat out admit it.

"Trust me Quinn you aren't-" He tries, but I shortly cut him off.

"Did you know boys at my school called me Ms.piggy? I'm completely aware of my fatness, thank you very much. So I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to be nice and let it go." I hiss genuinely annoyed by this point.

"That's the point, Quinn. They're boys, real men go for thick girls." Kane says, getting off the chair and he places his empty bowl into the sink before exiting the living space into his room.

After he leaves the word 'thick' floats above my head. I've never thought of my-bigness as thick. I get this fuzzy feeling inside thinking about how someone thinks I'm thick. Although it's just one person it still counts. Right?

"Wassup Q it's been long." Conner's obnoxious voice startles me, I hadn't noticed Tyler was back..with Conner.

"Oh hey Conner. Well I'ma go now." I awkwardly shuffle out of the room trying to escape those two Monkeys.


Edited 7/28/18

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