The Night We Met (prt 1)

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She didn't look me in the eye, not once. I was breaking inside, but I knew crying wouldn't change her mind. It just made me look weak.

I don't like looking weak.

I parked my car in my old parking spot. Without a word I helped her carry her bags to the doorsteps. She knocked on the door, two minutes later a sleepy Tyler opens the door.

His eyes are puffy and he looks like complete hell. He looks like he hasn't showered in days, maybe this is the first time he's gotten off his bed these past days.

"Quinn!" He engulfs his little sister in a big hug, while I stand there with my hands in my pockets, awkwardly. "Where have you been?" His voice is shaky, he was about to cry.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now." We all walk in, Quinn let's Princess out of her hot pink doggy bag. Keeping my mouth shut could get me out of this without any trouble so that's what I did.

The house was a complete sh*t show. Mc.Donalds wrappers, beer bottles, and glass scattered the floor. I'll admit, it was pretty unsettling, I wanted to grab a broom and clean up really quickly but I felt it wasn't the right moment.

"Tyler what happened?" Quinn says.

"Mom and dad caught me and Kyle the other day, I'm guessing you took my place as the golden child," Tyler's fake smile was pessimistic, his lips reached his ears like that cat from Alice and Wonderland. "Congratulations, I'm pretty sure they disowned me."

"What!? How could they they're your parents, that's despicable!" Quinn says, I wanted to say something to comfort him but clearly we weren't in good terms right now.

"Yeah well, obviously they never loved me if it was so easy for them to just walk away. They should've stayed, why didn't they stay?" Tyler's voice cracks, multiple tears escaping his brown eyes. Quinn pulled him closer, crying in his chest.

That's nice. Even after an obstacle they made-up, I'll accept I was jealous. Their relationship is a little rocky but they still love each other. I wanted that with Coby, I guess it's too late now.

They pull away. "Kane, I'm so sorry I overreacted, it's just I know your player past and all that, I was trying to protect Quinn." I nod, pulling him into a tight brotherly hug.

We pull away and it gets quiet, "Well uh, you guys hungry? I just ordered some Chipotle." Tyler says walking to the kitchen counter.

"Uh, actually Kane was just leaving, right?" Quinn looks towards me for the first time in hours, her eyes were darker than usual. The once honey glazed orbs were now a hickory color. Dark and shielded.

"Um yeah, yeah." I clear my throat. Obviously she didn't want me here so I left.

I got in my car and drove away, the muffled singing of Lord Huron's 'The Night We Met' playing in the background. There was no one around so I wasn't afraid to look weak, we're all human.

🎶I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow
Take me back to the night we met🎶

I remember that night I had came from Jen's house without a key because Tyler asked for mine since he lost his and the most beautiful women opened the front door threatening to pepper spray me. It was hilarious. That day she told me she got teased because of her body, I told her she was thick not fat. Major difference, by the way.

I also remember when I caught her trying to make chicken. She literally just stuck a kitchen knife into the raw chicken and expected it be ready just like that. I laughed to myself, tears still spilling out my red eyes.

And the macaroni and cheese. Her all time favorite, right next to pizza of course. The first time I helped her she forgot to turn the stove on, she was so embarrassed. Her soft cheeks turned a light shade of pink it was the most adorable sight. I had caught her staring and she tried hiding herself from me, which one thing led to another and I kissed her. I knew I shouldn't have but I didn't regret it. Not at all.

I felt disgusted with myself when I hurt her the way I did. I remember the week she wouldn't get out of here room, let only talk to me. I couldn't sleep, eat, or think correctly. I couldn't live without her for a week. I'll have have to learn how to live without her, forever.

🎶I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to
Do, haunted by the ghost of you
Oh take me back to the night
we met🎶

The lyrics stung my already aching heart. It took me years to get over Amy, who I wasn't even that deep for. It's going to take decades to get over Quinn.

She was the one.

She was delicate, broken, and fragile but she didn't see the beauty in the cracks. Her verbally abusive parents, her insecurities, and the bullying drew me in more. I helped her and she cured me.

🎶When the night was full of terror
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh take me back to the night we met🎶

I remember I saw her crying to herself in the kitchen, I didn't like seeing her like that. It tore me apart. I held her in my arms and made her laugh.

Suddenly, I flipped my car making a U-turn. No. It wasn't just a stupid plot to get me home, I wasn't "hypnotized" to fall in love with her.

My feelings are real. I fell in love with her, when I wasn't supposed to. I am in love with her.

I wiped my tears away, pressing my foot harder on the pedal. Going at almost 110 mph  I was sure I'd be, with the love if my life, in no time.

She was, and still is my one and only.

Edited 07/26/20

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