4I hear shifting, I keep my eyes closed. I hear light footsteps and the wooden floors creaking.
I open one eye to see a shadow of a tall figure. Someone's hand comes closer to me and I begin to panic.
"Wake up you ogre!" Tyler's voice makes me roll off my bed onto the cold floor with a loud thud.
"Get out of my room you *sshat!" I shout rubbing my ass, I need to start to lock my door and bolt a 'stay away' sign, that'll hopefully keep them away.
"It's time to get up, we're going the club!" Tyler says, looking through my closet nosily.
"It's Monday you big fart, who goes to a club on a Monday?" It's like 10:00PM and I was so wiped I decided to go to sleep early, but nooo apparently it's party time.
"Well you're finally old enough to at least enter a club and a cool band is performing tonight," he pauses, "plus you don't have any classes tomorrow." He points out.
"Fine. But promise me you won't leave my side. I barely know anyone." I begin to get off my bed to get ready.
"Deal. Hurry up we leave in half an hour." Tyler leaves my room, closing the door behind him. Finally, I sigh heavily.
When I'm in the shower I scrub my body, shave my legs, and I wash my dark hair. I dry my self and I pick out a short champagne colored strapless linen dress. The dress is tight and a slit falls down the center.
I flat iron my long, curly hair. After that I give myself a smokey eye and a thick cat eye. When I'm finally done with my makeup, I slip on my black stilettos.
Tyler said that him and Kane are waiting on me in his car so I grab my purse, wallet, and phone and exit the house locking the door behind me.
I can tell you this, coming here was a big mistake. A big f*cking mistake.
First of all, Tyler and his "buddies" are wasted and he's knocked out on a nasty old couch. Secondly, I've been stepped on so many times I think I might be bleeding. Thirdly, Kane hasn't even looked at me which isn't fair since he's the one who was being a dickhead in the first place.
Currently, I'm sitting in a corner sipping from my cup of ginger ale. It's been about two hours and I'm passed ready to go. I tried looking for Kane but he had disappeared, Tyler clearly can't drive and I need to renew my drivers license and I can't leave without Tyler.
Needing to pee, I shimmy through the large crowds of sweaty individuals to the ladies room.
When I was just about to get to the bathroom a rough hand pulls me backwards, roughly grabbing at my small wrists.
"Hey doll face, what's your name?" A middle aged man asks, grinning demonically down at my petite form. I try to pull my arm away but he tightens his grip.
"Let me go!" I beg for mercy.
"No can do sweet cheeks." He barks.
"Let her go you, bastard!" A familiar voice says and I turn to see Kane, his hands are balled up and his muscles are tense, as usual.
"And who are you? Her little boyfriend, what if I don't let go?" The man places a hand on my ass and squeezes tightly. I wince at the pain, his nails digging into my skin.
Before I can comprehend, Kane's knuckles are pressed up against the creepy man's face. I could hear something crack but Kane wouldn't stop punching him. Anger was engraved in his cold blue eyes.
"Kane stop, you'll kill him!" I scream trying to pull him away, tears threatening to fall at any moment. I ended up falling on my ass for the second time tonight.
The man did deserve the punches but I'm not planning on witnessing murder, ever.
A couple of bodyguards carry Kane away and the other man with him. I follow them outside into the cold night, people watch as we all get kicked out.
The weak man that had assaulted me had ran away, cowardly. Kane was still high on adrenaline, I can tell he's furious.
"What was that?!" I yell, terror dripping from words.
"Don't start Quinn, not now." He tries to walk away but I pull him by the arm.
"Why are you mad at me?" I shouldn't care, but I do. I need to know why he is mad at me. I know if I don't ask he'll never tell me.
"I'm not mad at you, I'm just a really mad person in general." he shrugs it off like it's perfectly normal, wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't lying though.
"You weren't acting like an *sshole when we first met." I remind him, I furrow my eyebrows and cross my arms.
"Well that was then." He whispers, driving his hand into his platinum blonde hair.
"You're so f*cking complicated!" I shout, anger now running through me.
"Me! I'm complicated? How about you, first you tell me that guys called you fat and then you throw yourself to the first one that looks your way!" he shouts, his firsts are balled on his sides.
"Why do you care, it's not like you're my friend or anything?" I ask, my hands at my hips now.
"Whatever, Quinn." He leaves into the darkness, leaving me all confused and tired.
I call an Uber and try my hardest to carry Tyler into the backseats. When we get home Kane's car wasn't in the parking lot. The entire night he was gone. Like he vanished into thin air.
He's so irritating. It's only been a couple of days here and we've managed to become enemies.
Maybe leaving them wasn't the most humane thing to do. But something about that women makes me so freaking angry. I don't understand her.
"Hey, daddy. What do you need?" Jen's high pitched voice sounds through the speaker of my phone.
"Are you busy?" My voice is stone cold, almost as if I were numb or something. It's been like that for years now.
"No I'm completely free, and my parents aren't home." She meows which honestly is kinda desperate but at this point I don't care. I'm guessing that also makes me desperate.
"Well I'm coming over, get ready." I hang up and I zoom through the empty roads. I pull up to her house and basically sprint up her staircase, anger still racing through my veins.
Without me even knocking, she opens the door and I look down to see her in black laced lingerie.
"You ready?"
Edited 7/29/18

High For Him
عاطفية"Breathtakingly beautiful."he whispers against my ear. I can hear the anticipation in his voice. His lips crash up against mine, this being my first kiss I just stay their without movement. He gently tugs at my bottom lip and I gasp. His tongue tak...