29Hector pushed me into a bathroom. The sink counter was marbled and the metal was coated gold. If you'd ask me this is the fanciest bathroom I've ever been in.
Hector told me to shower so I obeyed his orders. Being decapitated is definitely not how I want to exit this cruel world.
I turned the shower knob, waiting for the water to warm up. When it was warm enough, I undressed myself out of Kane's hoodie. His scent was wiped away, all I smelt was the liquor I'd accidentally spilt on it the night this all began.
After my quick shower I dried my trembling body and walked out of the bathroom where Hector was still waiting.
"Marlyen will help you pick out an outfit." Hector gestures to a short lady. She had long charcoal hair down to her waist.
Hector exits the room leaving me with the old women. "Sit." She points to a small chair and I obeyed. Seems like that's all I can do now. Listen and obey.
She measures my legs, torso, and arms with a tape measurer. I felt very uncomfortable and wearisome as the stranger placed her small hards on my body, taking notes and measurements down. Like I was a lab rat.
When she's done she disappears into a big closet and comes out minutes later with a stunning mustard yellow mesh V-neck Bodycon dress. A slit ran down the middle with see-through material.
"Put this on." Marlyen's accented voice says, she hands me the yellow dress and turns around.
I awkwardly try to change as fast as I can, I literally had nothing but this dress on. It was quite revealing if you asked me, my breasts were visible through the skimpy material. The dress was really short, tight, and scandalous.
"Good now sit, I have to do your makeup and hair." Marlyen said.
I sat back on the chair, crossing my legs so nothing was visible to Marlyen. Now that's something no one wants to happen.
She begins painting my face with the different variety of colors. After a couple of minutes she was all done. She began blow drying the birds nest on my head, well she tried to. She eventually just gave up and sprayed my curls with water and conditioner, making my curls more defined. She did my edges and she smiled at her masterpiece.
Woah. Who knew I could look like a girl?
"Done. Now we need to show boss." Marlyen said pulling me into a hallway. As she led me to who knows where, I noticed how big this place was. It was like a palace. Something out of a Disney princess movie. Except, I'm not a princess and I was kidnapped.
"She's ready boss." Marlyen pushed me into a room. Hector, Tray, Coby, that girl who was kissing Kane in the garage, and a dozen other men stared at me. Their eyes widened in shock, I should be offended but I had shocked myself too.
"πανεμορφη," Coby said nodding, approvingly. His dark blue eyes lightning up, excitement dancing in his big orbs. "Excellent, are you ready?" (Beautiful.)
"Ready for what?" I asked.
"For your worst nightmare." The redheaded girl spoke. Her greek accent very strong and thick.
"Who are you?" I got closer to her. I wasn't going to cry, my eyeballs are dry. They are like deserts, drained of all the tears that once had rested them.
"I'm Amy. Kane's first love and only love," she said, smirking arrogantly. "You were just a wannabe replica of what cannot be replaced." She spat, belittling me in every way with her string of words.
Sadness? Maybe a little but what really lingered in me was anger. I was furious. I have been manipulated, violated, used, and mistreated for way too long. I can't keep letting these toxic people stomp all over me like I'm a piece of trash.
"That's not true you stupid b*tch!" I yelled. Wanting to claw my nails into her eyes.
"But it is, you were too oblivious to notice. You're just a child, you should've listened to your parents. It's kind of sad they don't love you as much as they love your brother, don't you think?" She laughed, demonically.
Control was thrown out the window and I was jumping at her now. I punched her across her face, I heard her nose crack but I couldn't stop swinging at her. She had crossed the line.
I was pulled off by Hector, "Don't ever speak about my family like that you cheap wh*re!" I spat.
I turned to look at Coby who had a very amused grin planted on his face. He looked like he was enjoying the show, the show that is my miserable life.
"That's enough of that, guards place her on the chair!" Coby ordered. Hector and another bulky guy strapped me to a metal chair. It had multiple hinges strapped to belts, sort of like a seatbelt. There were three, one around my torso, one glueing my legs down, and the last one at my ankles.
I couldn't move, I was trapped once again. A helpless prisoner.
"Let the show begin!"
It's been hours since Coby took Quinn. I knew he was up to something the moment he let Amy even step into Antonio's warehouse.
I knew my brother was despicable. I knew he holds hatred and anger, but I never thought he would try to hurt me the way he did.
Logan, our researcher, has been trying to look for their location for the last three hours with nothing. Absolutely no trace of them.
I've been pacing around, rubbing my already red temples. Stress didn't look attractive on me but I had no idea of where my girlfriend is, I think I can manage looking unattractive.
"I've got something." Logan said, I immediately ran to him. "You see that red dot, that's Quinn's phone. I managed to track it down." Logan explained but all I could hear was my heart racing with hope.
"Good I'll send my men to rescue her-"
I interrupted Antonio, "I'm going." I said still looking at the red dot on the computer monitor.
"Kane you can't Coby already wants you dead as is, don't poke the bear." My father said, tired written all over his words. He worked too much. It was dreadful to see him like this.
"I couldn't care less father, he has Quinn. I placed her in this mess, I need to take her out," I said, grabbing my jacket and my handgun. "Besides what boyfriend would sit back and watch other people save the love of their life?"
"I'm going and there's no if's or but's about it, I love her and I'd sacrifice my life over hers. Without a doubt."
Edited 07/26/20

High For Him
Roman d'amour"Breathtakingly beautiful."he whispers against my ear. I can hear the anticipation in his voice. His lips crash up against mine, this being my first kiss I just stay their without movement. He gently tugs at my bottom lip and I gasp. His tongue tak...