9"We're almost there, we just got a cab and we are on our way." my mother's exhausted voice rings through the small speaker on my iPhone. It's only been about a week here and they already planned on coming to 'visit' me, more like supervise.
"Oh and wear something nice. I don't want to see those hideous baggy pants you always like to wear." I could basically hear her rolling her eyes in utter disgust. My mother always loves to criticize me for the littlest things. At one point I got used to it. Complete numb.
We say our 'see you later's' and hang up. I run back into my room to look for a semi-decent outfit to please my parents. I pick out a peach colored blouse and simple denim jeans. I always kept a few blouses inside my closet for these types of situations so I was well prepared.
Hearing a loud bang on the door, I dash past Tyler and Kane whom were patiently sitting in the couch waiting for my parent's arrival, and I open the door with a big, fake, smile.
"Hey mom and dad!" I greet, kindly.
"Jesus Quinn you couldn't even button up your blouse correctly?" I look down to see the very last button, unbuttoned and I quickly and nervously button it, fumbling around with the fabric.
"Sorry I was just in a hurry because-"
"Tyler!" My mom squeals in excitement after taking one look at her eldest child and she opens her arms wide to hug him tightly. "Look at you, you're such a handsome young man." she squishes his cheeks.
"My boy how have you been?" my father pats Tyler's back and they begin to talk about sports and current events. All three of them sit at the couch giggling, chatting.
Once again im excluded out of the family. Once again I'm left out. I mean what did you expect? I told you, I'm just a mistake made during a vacation to Hawaii. They simply forget the condoms, I'm the result of that.
Tyler has been always the 'perfect' child to them. He has won so many awards and metals from high school sports competition, he always was popular and surrounded by friends, he's always been fit and good looking. We're like the polar opposites.
"Quinn make yourself useful and make us sandwiches, yeah?" my mother shouts from the living space and the familiar feeling of fullness submerges my eyeballs, full of salty tears.
I drag my feet towards the kitchen to prepare my "family" their sandwiches. Grabbing the ingredients for a bologna sandwich, tears begin to slither down my puffy cheeks.
I could hear the giggling and laughter from behind me. I thought if I moved out of home I would escape this horrible torture, nineteen years of this suffocating misery.
"Quinn?" I quickly wipe the tears off my face and turn to look up at Kane. I didn't notice it, but my shaky hands were holding a ginormous silver knife. He grabs the silverware out of my small hands and my tears reappear.
He pulls me towards him and I snuggle my head into his large chest, and that same lullaby from last night calms my sobs into faint pants. I sniffle and wipe my slightly runny nose.
"I disappoint everyone in my life." I whisper mostly to myself and now come to think of it, it is true.
First my parents, I can't please them in anyway no matter how much I try I'll just end up disappointing them even further. Then Tray, he's kind and generous and I had managed to disappoint him in the time span of a couple of days of knowing each other.
"That isn't true," he drags his big hand into my curls, massaging my scalp trying to comfort me, and succeeding.
"You don't disappoint me, nor your brother. Your parents just use tough love on you because they care about you." He smiled, warm heartedly."But what about Tray, he's pretty pissed at me. I feel terrible that I forgot about him yesterday." I sniffed.
"That was partly my fault Quinn. Besides if he won't man up and get over it I'll personally pummel him till he does." I giggle and pull away to show him my small smile. He looks down at me, and I suddenly find myself getting lost in his indigo colored eyes. How does one oh so effortlessly get so f*cking perfect.
"Quinn, what is taking so long?" My father's voice strikes through my ears and I worriedly begin to plop different ingredients onto the slices of bread.
Kane takes my hands and begins to make the sandwiches for me, seeing as I'm making a gigantic mess.
"I should give you personal cooking lessons, seeing as you aren't learning anything at school." he playfully sticks his tongue out at me and I snort, playfully.
"Well I can't really concentrate on cooking when I'm too busy either fighting with you or being mad at you," I place the sandwiches neatly on a floral decorated plate and I fill three cups with OJ. "I've never fought this much with anyone else, not even Tyler." I smirked to myself.
"You could say I bring out the beast in you?" He wiggles his eyebrows up and down and I playfully slap his bicep and freeze at the small contact. I shift uncomfortably and I grab the plate and drinks carrying it to the living area, avoiding another awkward moment.
"Finally." My father barks roughly taking a sandwich off the plate. They shoo me away like a flee on their shoulder, I choose to just hide in my room, the whole experience reminds me of New York.
My phone rings and the name 'Tray' shines on the bright screen. I was surprised he was actually calling I had to pinch myself just to reassure myself that it wasn't a dream. Heck if I were him, I wouldn't call myself.
"Hey Quinn, I'm sorry about what I texted you yesterday night. I was just a little bummed I was really hoping to spending some time with you outside of school." He spoke.
"It's fine, but you shouldn't be sorry it was extremely rude of me to ditch you like that. I'm truly sorry Tray." I apologized, genuinely sorry for my actions.
"I forgive you, baby. Are you free in a couple of hours? You still owe me a date." He reminded me, and I nervously bit my bottom lip, thinking about my sticky situation.
"Yeah." I simply reply.
Edited 7/30/18

High For Him
Romance"Breathtakingly beautiful."he whispers against my ear. I can hear the anticipation in his voice. His lips crash up against mine, this being my first kiss I just stay their without movement. He gently tugs at my bottom lip and I gasp. His tongue tak...