"That's Right, I'm Daddy"

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Eventually I fell asleep, by the time I woke up it was around 1am. I rocked in my sleep and batted my eyes open.

"Hey." I mumbled, stretching my limbs while yawning.

"Hello, beautiful. I was about to wake you up. You hungry?" Kane softly asks, still focused on the dark, empty roads. He looks pretty tired, I should take the wheel soon.

"Yeah, is there any place we could quickly stop to eat?" I asked, unlocking my phone screen to see the million texts I had received. 37 missed texts and 17 missed calls from Tyler, and zero missed calls and texts from my parents. Typical.

"Yeah, is a diner fine? It's the only thing open at this time." He asks, rubbing his tired eyes with his palm.

I sigh. "Baby, honestly I could eat an entire horse right now. A diner sounds perfect."

"Are you okay?" He says, slightly glancing over at me then turning back onto the road.

"I'm not sure anymore," I answer, honestly, "They didn't even try to make me stay. I knew it, I was just a mistake created during a summer vacation. Now that I'm gone, they're probably relieved they don't have to see me ever again." A single tear runs across my cheek, but I had promised myself I wouldn't cry.

They never loved me. So why should I? They don't deserve my tears.

"Quinn, you aren't a mistake. And I'm pretty sure they are worried sick. I'm not going to lie, I'm no good for you and I know I'm being selfish taking you like this," he pauses, processing how to word his sentence, "but I did something I promised myself I wouldn't and it's too late to go back." His eyes flicker back to me, searching for my face expression.

I didn't understand what he was getting at. I just knew he wasn't going to elaborate. He was never the one to say exactly what he meant.

Kane turns into a diner called 'Molly's' with a ginormous sign that said 'open 24 hours'. Oh thank god, I'm starving. When I said I could eat an entire horse, I'm afraid I wasn't kidding.

He parks his car and I take a look at the backseats. Princess was sleeping peacefully in her dog bag. I wrapped the dog bag around my shoulders careful to not wake her up.

I enter the diner, Kane following me close behind. There isn't many people. Just two shady looking men wearing nothing put black, and of course the employees.

"I've got to use the restroom, choose a seat I'll be back." Kane says.

I look around for a good spot, I finally choose to sit near a window in a booth. I put my dog bag beside me and begin to stare outside into the moon. It's been long since I just took a pause and looked up at the moon.

"Hello, precious." A unfamiliar voice greets. I turn to see a man sitting across from me.

His face structure looked pretty familiar . His blue eyes, sharp jawline, and light hair. But I couldn't put my finger quite on it.

"That seat is taken." I murmured.

"Coby?" Kane's voice appears and both their eyes widen.

"Kane? Is that really you!?" The man, Coby I guess, stands up and hugs my boyfriend.

"You've changed." Coby says looking at Kane up and down. Now that I think about it they look pretty similar.

I clear my throat, receiving both their attention. "Oh sorry babe this is my big brother Coby, Coby this is my girlfriend Quinn."

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