Chapter 2

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Getting into Jordan's BMW i8, I fastened my seatbelt.
In case you're wondering why I know about his car, is because I was there with him when he bought it, plus he wanted me to choose one that I liked also, quoting 'It's going to be our  car'

Anyway as he drived away, a comfortable silence surrounded us.

"So where to?"he asked

"Mmmm" I thought " How about we go eat first" I said with a sheepish smile

"Sure,anything you want" he said

Driving into Pizza Hut, we find a parking lot and get out.

Walking into the place, I immediately smell the wonderful aroma of pizza. 

And it was as if my stomach had a mind of its own and growled.

"Someone's a little hungry" Jordan commented as he threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Well excuse me Mr., I haven't been able to eat anything yet, because I was busy pranking you" I said, and tried to suppress the blush that was threatening to possess my cheeks. 

"And that is my fault how?"  he says and scrunches his eyebrows in confusion

"Oh be quiet " I say and give his arm a light smack.

Walking up to stand where our waiter will sit us,I noticed that it is a girl.
Lets just say that she wasnt nice or well dressed.

What can I say,her blouse was low cut and it was showing all her boobs.

Not that I am against people wearing that, but you are at work and you should be more professional,

Once she saw Jordan, I shouldn't add 'I', because it seemed as if she didn't notice me, and pulled down her shirt even more.

"So, table for 1?" She asked as she flashed him a flirty smile.

"Are you blind?" Jordan bluntly asked/said "Can't you see that Im here with someone" he pulls me close to him

"Oh yeah, I see her "she replied while giving me a glare.

"This way " she said as she grabbed 2 menus and lead us to a table.

" I will be right back to ask for your drinks" she said and added a roll to her eyes.

As she was walking away, Jordan called out to her

"Could you give us a different waiter, someone that is less of a bitch?" He asked and made heads turn. 

Her face immediately went red, and she scurried into the kitchen.

"You didnt have to be mean to her" I said as I looked through the menu.

He then looked at me with a look that said 'are you serious'

" She pretended that you were non existent and was being a bitch" 

"Language"I warned

"Sorry" he says, putting his hands up in surrender  "its just that she was being one"

"May I ask what you will be drinking" a voice interrupts our conversation.

Looking up, I see that it is now a boy instead of the girl.

"I'll have a sprite " I say with a small smile thinking he was kinda cute.

As he writes that down, he looks back at me and returns it.

"I'll take a Dr.pepper"he says with rudeness

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look at him and the waiter walks away.

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