Chapter 10

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Has he always felt this way for me?

Does he even like me?

Is he just using me?
Nah I dont think so... Do I?

All of these different questions were running through my mind as I sat on the couch in my living room, munching on my twizzlers.

Yes. I did go back for my babies after our makeout session.

Daummm just thinking about it gets be all bothered.

Looking over to my left I see him.

Jordan is in my living room lost in his own thoughts...I think.

After I came out of the store again, we drove off in an awkward silence.
Neither of both of us knew what to do or say.

So I told him to drop me off at my house and he decided to stay.

Now here we are, in complete awkward silence.

We've been like this for about half an hour and I was starting to feel irritated.

Sighing, I get up and go to the kitchen to put away my twizzlers. I wasn't feeling them anymore.

Closing the cabinet, I turn around and see him standing in the doorway.

He was looking me with so much intensity, that I had no idea what to do but just stand there.

"Now what" jumping at the sound of his voice I realease a small squeak.

Jesus christ Jordan.

"I don't know" because I actually didnt know what to do or say.

Did he regret the kiss?

My whole life he never tried to kiss me.

He never made a move on me... Or he did but I'm that naive?

Whatever it is, we need to fix things.

"You know what" "Maybe we should" we say at the same time.

"You go first" I told him

"No" he said in a firm voice.

Slightly rolling my eyes I tell him

"We should forget that it happened, and go back to how things used to be"

Looking back at him I see him staring at me

"But the thing is" he slowly says as he walks towards me.

"You are so naïve, you have no idea what I'm feeling right now"

Gulping and taking small steps backwards I say "a-and what is it that you're feeling"

Now he was mere inches from touching me

"What I feel right now, is that I want to take you and bend you right on this counter"

Feeling my cheeks turn crimson, I look away

"Wh-why would you want to do that?"

Grabing my chin he turns my face towards him

"To show you that you are mine and that you're not going to get rid of me. You're not going to regret and forget that kiss because that was just the beginning of my possession for you"

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