Chapter 18

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Just as I'm about to pull away, there's a knock on the door and then it opens.

Closing my eyes, to not face the embarrassment, I hear a low whistle.

Opening them, I notice that it is Calvin.

"Daum, not even 20 minutes in, and you already want to devour her" he says as he casually strolls in

Jordan gets off of me and slightly growls.

"Calvin, did I let you come in? What the fuck did I tell you about the knocking?" Jordan asks angrily

Quickly getting up, I put on Jordan's shoulder and whisper to him to calm down.

He barely nods but I see it, and I relax.

"What do you want Calvin?" Jordan asks irritated

Calvin shrugs, puts a chair on the foot of the bed and sits down.

"Well" he starts off "dinner is ready and we need to discuss some things in the office" he ends with a knowing look at Jordan.

Jordan simply nods and releases a sigh.

I guess that's a sign for me to get off and go get some food

Getting off the bed, I start making my way to the door, when Jordan's voice stops me.

"Where are you going?"

Turning around, I look at him with a 'duh' look.

"To get food" I say it obviously

"Did I let you get off and leave?" He possessively asks

Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Sucking in a breath, I look at Calvin and see him enjoying this.

"Look Jordan" I slowly takes steps towards him. "I got out of a shooting, and guess what? Those people were trying to kill you..YOU!!" By this time I was 5 feet away. " And you know why? Because they want me, and I know the second I decide I don't want to be with you, I can go and turn myself into them" by now I was in his face " I am not scared of them or you, I know more than what you're telling me, but that's not important right now" our noses were about to touch " but what is important, is that I know that you weren't trying to boss me around, right?" I ask with a smirk

"No" he says with a serious face and a gruff voice

"That's what I thought" finishing off, I salute and walk out with a smile on my face

Just as I'm about to close the door, I hear Calvin shouting

"You just got told, you poor bastard!"

Shaking my head, I make my way down stairs, but as I'm on the last step, what I see makes me abruptly halt.

Not much in this one, but promise next one will be longer and jucier.

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